“Okay.” Mo kept his arm around Meredith’s shoulders but turned her so they could walk down the small path that led to the shop she shared with Cal. Gray walked beside them. “I still think we should check my house and Cassie’s.”
Neither Mo nor Meredith seemed to need a flashlight, but Gray didn’t feel as confident about taking a walk through the woods in the dark. He turned on his phone flashlight and kept it trained on their path. “I don’t expect them to have planted anything in your homes, but they could have gotten something on some of Cassie’s clothes.”
“A scarf...” Mo trailed off.
“Yeah. It’s diabolically brilliant. She’s not likely to throw it in the wash, she could have it in her car, in her office, her home, or wrapped around her neck while we all sit around the firepit and talk.”
Meredith let out a tiny moan. “What if I’d worn it Wednesday?”
“But you didn’t. We can’t get caught up in the what-ifs and should-haves. We have to stay focused on what we know and what we can control.”
Meredith leaned into Mo, and no one spoke while he opened up Cal’s side of the shop, turned on the lights, and then stepped back.
Gray didn’t need an invitation. He stepped in, weapon drawn, and cleared the space. When he nodded at them, they went to Meredith’s side and repeated the process.
Then while Gray and Meredith watched, Mo scanned her shop. It came up clean. “I’m going to scan Cal’s side. Be right back.”
He slipped out the door, and Gray was left alone with Meredith.She walked over to a flower arrangement that even his untrained eye could see was a crime against floral design.
“This”—she pointed to a random piece of what might have been a weed—“is all thanks to you.”
“I’m not sure that’s a flattering statement.”
“Oh, but it is. I’m having a blast designing it. When I’m convinced it can’t be any worse, I think of something to add that will make it even more awful.” She touched a petal, then twisted it around so he could see the full effect. “I was thinking I’d work on it tonight. Maybe finish it. But I don’t think I can. I need to make something beautiful.”
She walked to the far wall where shelves were filled with tubs of paper-thin wooden flowers. “I used to make every single flower by hand, but that became too time-consuming and completely ruined all my profit margins. I found places I could buy the types of flowers I use most often in bulk. Now I only make the truly unique blossoms.”
Gray walked over to stand near her. She opened the lids of several tubs and removed multiple stems. “They’re all cream.”
“I dye everything.” She pointed to the long table covered in dyes and pigments, and a sink that looked more like a kaleidoscope than the stainless steel that peeked out randomly from under all the colors. “Which means I can make flower arrangements to match any decor, any outfit, any style. I can make any shade of green or pink or orange, and I love playing around with different tones. Sometimes I’m in the mood for a riot of color. Sometimes I want the soothing peace of twenty cohesive blues.”
She opened a book and flipped through it. It was a photo album of her designs. She paused on one and tapped her finger on it. “What do you think of this one?”
“It’s my favorite. I walk by it every day.”
She stepped away from the book. “I didn’t think you noticed it.”
“I notice everything.”
She huffed out a small breath. “Yeah. I guess you do.”
“You make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“Not bad. But frustrating.”
He threw his hands up. “Why is that frustrating?”
She mimicked his hand gesture. “Because you notice everything. If you’re choosing not to act on something, it isn’t because you’re clueless. It’s because you don’t want to.”
Mo chose that precise moment to come back. He glanced between them and said, “Everything’s clear. I’m going to walk back and check my place and Cassie’s. Just to be safe.” And he was gone.
Meredith turned her back to him, but not before Gray caught the way she wiped her finger under her eyes.
“What?” There was a tiny quaver in her voice. She sniffed, cleared her throat, and faced him with a cheery smile.
If she’d been angry, he might have been able to keep his distance. But she was so brave. So strong. She’d been put through so much hard stuff tonight, and she was trying to smile. He couldn’t leave her confused or hurting over something when it was in his power to ... what?