“Point taken. But I’ve seen him hug Dad. And Cal. And Papa Quinn. But he’s the best with the kids. Our baby cousins adore him. He’s a family favorite.”
Gray had seen it for himself but still found it hard to believe. “I don’t see that side of Mo often.”
Meredith’s happiness bubble didn’t pop, but it did deflate a bit. “He hasn’t been the same in a long time. But he’s still in there. I keep hoping he’ll let the real Mo out to play more often. He did last night around the firepit. The way he laughed?”
Gray had never seen Mo laugh that way. “I didn’t fully appreciate how far back the four of you go. I knew you, Mo, and Cal have known each other your whole lives, but I didn’t realize Bronwyn was part of your terror cell.”
Meredith swatted his arm. “Hey! I’ll have you know we were the most adorable tiny terrorists who ever ran amuck in Gossamer Falls.”
“I have no doubt.”
“But yeah. Beep has been part of our merry band since kindergarten.”
Beep. The only people who called Bronwyn that were the three cousins. Bronwyn Elena Elizabeth Pierce did not seem to mind it when those three used the childhood nickname, but he couldn’t imagine anyone else calling her that.
Gray wanted to ask her more. He wanted her to tell him stories about her childhood and dental school, and he wanted to know why she’d wanted to be a dentist in the first place. He wanted to slip her hand in his and walk through Gossamer Falls beside her.
What he did was take two steps away from her. “Sorry to be abrupt, but I need to go make sure everything’s squared away and call it a night.”
Meredith lifted her chin, put her face to the sky, stretched out her arms, and spun around in a circle. “I need something to do. I’m too keyed up. I think I’ll go make some flowers before I torture Mo.”
She dropped her arms and gave him a look he couldn’t interpret. “Good night, Gray. You made a difference tonight. Don’t forget that.”
Why did he feel like she wasn’t saying good night, but goodbye? She didn’t look back, wave, or acknowledge him again as she walked back into her office, leaving him standing on the street. He pulled himself together and returned to his own office.
It took him twenty minutes to wrap up, and when he picked up the jacket from the chair where he’d tossed it earlier, he saw Meredith’s bag.
It must not be a purse. She’d had her keys, her phone, and everything she needed to get into her office. There was no tellingwhat was in the bag, but since she’d brought it in, she’d eventually start looking for it. He picked up the phone and dialed her number.
“Meredith. It’s Gray.”
“Oh! Hi!” Did she sound ... guilty? Or upset? Something was wrong with her voice.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice it earlier, but you left a bag in my office.”
“Thanks. I’m still in my office. I’ll be right there.”
Why was she still in her office? “No need. I’m walking out. I’ll run it over.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Meredith. I’m walking out the door.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
When he saw her standing by her office door a minute later, he couldn’t figure out what was wrong. But something was.
She tried to hide whatever it was with a cheery smile. “Thanks. I didn’t realize I’d left it.” She reached for the bag, but he held onto it.
“What’s the matter?”
She looked straight at him and dropped the facade of happiness. With that barrier gone, her pain was so evident it hurt him to look at her.
“It’s nothing you can fix, Gray. But it isn’t life-threatening or dangerous. Don’t worry about it.”