Page 23 of Break My Fall

“I’m happy to help, but I have a full schedule tomorrow.”

He’d expected that, but he wasn’t ready to give up. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I don’t keep normal hours.”

“Okay. I can come by after my last patient.”

He’d been prepared for her to offer to talk on Saturday. Tomorrow night was far better. “That works for me. Thank you.”

Meredith slid back in her seat. “Now that we’re all depressed and scared, can we talk about something else?”

Her words hit him hard. He knew she hadn’t meant to hurt him. Meredith didn’t go around intentionally being mean. But still. He wanted her to be safe and happy. He didn’t want her to live in fear. Jasmine had lived in fear for most of her eleven years. He would spare Meredith that if he could.

“I tried to teach Cal how to make a vase this week.”

Gray sent Landry an appreciative smile and did his best to keep the conversation going. “How’d he do?”

“It had to be better than the last time.” Mo turned his head and scratched his neck. He mouthed the word “disaster” to everyone.

“It wasn’t a disaster.” Landry’s rebuttal lacked conviction. “It wound up being an ... interesting shape.”

“Why do you keep trying?” Meredith asked. “He’s hopeless!”

Landry leaned into Cal and kissed him. There was no heat in the kiss. Nothing inappropriate. But there was so much tenderness in the moment that Gray looked away.

And when he did, he looked straight at Meredith. And found her looking at him.

Then in a completely junior high move, he bounced his gaze to the fire. And when the opportunity to leave presented itself a few minutes later, he took it.

He was five minutes down the road before the heat left his face and his heart rate settled. He had no idea how he’d survive the next few months of close proximity to Meredith.

But he would. There were lines he couldn’t cross. And she was on the other side.


Meredith brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her hair. It had been a long day, and she was exhausted. But yesterday she’d promised to talk to Gray, so that’s where she was headed.

She pulled her phone off her desk and looked to see if he’d canceled.

Hey. I know it’s late. I was thinking about ordering a pizza. We can eat while we talk?

He’d sent the text thirty minutes earlier. Ten minutes ago he’d added.

Pepperoni? Mushroom? I know you don’t do olives.

So, they were having pizza. Fine. And how did he know she didn’t like olives?

I like pepperoni. Or Hawaiian. Or meat lovers. Or white pizza. Or margherita.

The dots popped up.

Sounds good. You headed this way?

In five minutes.

She closed everything up and locked her office. When she stepped outside, she saw Gray walking toward her, phone to his ear. “Yeah. Can you deliver it to the station?” A pause. “Perfect. Thanks.”

He slid the phone into his pocket. “Pizza will be ready in about thirty minutes.”

“Do we need to talk outside?” She hoped not. It was freezing.