“I can’t go into details, so don’t ask for them. But I want all of you to be on guard. We aren’t the only ones who know things in Neeson are disintegrating. We aren’t the only ones who want to do something about it. We’ve been picking on Meredith tonight.”
“For good reason.” Mo’s stage-whispered comment made Meredith hold her hand up to him.
Her “You’re dead to me” look was met with a grin from Mo.
Gray decided to ignore the exchange. “I can’t make any of you do anything, but I’d prefer it if none of you go to Neeson for the next few months. And Bronwyn?”
Her eyes met his, and they were full of questions. Mo went on alert, and Gray suspected he didn’t realize his demeanor had changed.
“I know you’re above reproach, but you need to be careful atwork and around your family. I’m not convinced that Steven was the only Pierce involved in some of the enterprises in Neeson.”
Bronwyn didn’t argue. “I know. My parents are worried. Dad talked to Uncle Ronald and wasn’t pleased with the response. Steven’s parents have circled the wagons around him, and that entire branch of Pierces is furious with our side of the Pierces because we haven’t supported Steven in”—her voice pitched up—“his time of need.”
Her disgust with that statement was evident. “Dad isn’t having it,” she continued. “He’s furious about all of it. He even called Cassie’s dad.”
There was a collective gasp.
“You didn’t tell me that!” Meredith looked torn between excitement and outrage.
“I didn’t know until today. Dad came by the office.” She nodded at Cassie. “He ate at Hideaway and agreed with me that Cassie is the best thing that ever happened to the restaurant.
“Apparently he decided he should call John Quinn and tell him that.”
“Wow.” Cal rubbed his chin.
“I didn’t see that coming.” Cassie’s comment summed it up well.
Bronwyn turned her attention back to Gray. “I appreciate the heads-up. And I am taking it seriously. So is my family. Dad is doing a lot of talking behind the scenes, trying to figure out which factions will be difficult and which will be reasonable. If you know of anything specific, I’d be happy to hear it.”
“I wish I did, but if and when I learn more, I’ll pass it along.” Gray decided to press his luck. “Would you consider a police presence inside the gates of The Haven?”
Bronwyn’s eyebrows nearly flew off her head. “What kind?”
“Random patrols.”
“We have security.”
Gray didn’t react, but they all knew The Haven’s security wasn’t up to snuff. “Think about it. And don’t be surprised when you see more overt law enforcement presence in the general area.”
The long, quiet moment that followed was pierced by Mo’s deep voice. “What are you worried about specifically at The Haven? A threat toward Bronwyn? Or the issue with drugs being sold and used?”
Gray looked at Mo. What he said next would send a ripple through their small group. “Both.”
Bronwyn slumped in her seat while Landry, Cassie, and Meredith all scooted toward the end of their chairs. Cal, Mo, and Donovan gave him nearly identical looks he didn’t need help interpreting. They were ready to protect Bronwyn, no matter the cost.
“I’m not trying to scare you.”
“Sure you are.” Meredith’s eyes flashed in outrage. “And that’s okay. But I’m confused about why they would be coming after either of us.”
“I don’t know what’s going on at The Haven,” Gray said. “I just know there are rumblings about the Pierces being unhappy. And given that Steven was prepared to go farther than anyone expected, I think Bronwyn needs to be on guard.”
Bronwyn met his statement with a nod.
He turned to Meredith. “As for you? You know specifics. Maybe you know more specifics than you realize. Maybe they’ve decided they want you to stay out of Neeson. Maybe today was just about scaring you off. Maybe it was something more. I don’t know. And I don’t know how they’re connected beyond a hunch that some of the criminal element that Steven Pierce was mixed up in is some of the same element who have been sending their kids to your clinic.”
Gray laced his fingers together. “It’s a tangled knot of family ties and outside criminals coming in. It’s like trying to solve apuzzle when we don’t have a picture to go on as a guide. We have lots of pieces. Some of them are definitely border pieces and we’re making progress on that aspect. But the middle? It’s a jumble.”
He turned to Meredith. “I know this is a big ask, but would you be willing to come to my office tomorrow and help me connect some dots?”