“I’m not a mom, but I know it’s exhausting and hard work,” she said. “So please understand that what I’m about to say is not a criticism of these women. It isn’t. But these moms look defeated. Worn. Desperate. They’re trying. But they don’t think they have any choices. I don’t think they believe they can leave. They’re stuck. And their kids are stuck.”
It was the stuckness that broke Meredith’s heart. “I don’t know how to help them. I don’t know what else I can do. I try to be kind. Try not to make assumptions. Try to pray for them. And I’ve told more than one of them that if they ever decide to make a change, they can call me.”
Gray sucked in a breath. Cal shared a look with Mo that Meredith didn’t like at all. And then Donovan let out a huge groan. “You’ve ticked off the entire criminal population of Neeson. Which means anyone—from Johnstone to Kirby—could be coming after you.”
“You have to stay out of Neeson.” This came from Mo. “You see that, don’t you?”
Meredith didn’t respond.
“Meredith?” This time it was Cal. “You don’t have to do clinics in Neeson. You really don’t. You’ve done quite a few. Let things settle down.”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” Gray’s tone told her he already knew the answer.
“I’ve given my word.”
“Is that worth dying over?”
“They aren’t going to kill me!”
“What do you think the plan was for today, Meredith?” Gray’s voice had lost all of its usual control. “They intended to leave you stranded. They probably hoped you’d be stranded in Neeson County. If you’d run out of diesel a mile earlier, I wouldn’t have seen you. Do you not see how easy it would be? We find the van on the side of the road. You’re missing. A week from now, we find your body. No one is to blame. It’s a tragedy. You decided to hike and got turned around.”
Meredith’s throat constricted at his words. No one else spoke as they watched the conversation bounce between them.
“There is nothing in Neeson worth taking that kind of risk.”
“There’s a wedding.”
“A wedding?” Gray snorted. “Why do you have to go to a wedding?”
“I’m doing the flowers.”
“In late February.”
“Can they not come to Gossamer Falls to pick up the flowers?”
“I have a contract to decorate the church and the reception hall.The girl getting married is precious. Her little sisters are adorable. The mom is so tired and worn. I need to help them.”
“At the expense of getting yourself killed?”
“It’s a wedding!”
Gray glared at her. She glared back. “You cannot go into Neeson alone. At all. Ever. For any reason.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. You don’t have to worry about me sneaking off to Neeson. I’m not stupid, Gray. And I don’t have a death wish. But I can’t live with myself if I can’t keep my word.” She wanted to ask him why he cared so much. Why it mattered so much. But with her family looking on, she kept her questions to herself.
“Are you invited to the wedding?”
“The wedding that you’re doing the flowers for. Are you invited to the ceremony?”