Page 108 of Break My Fall

“We have to go!” Meredith grabbed his arms. “Now!”

He didn’t argue with her. He paused only long enough to throw his rain slicker around Meredith. He grabbed his heavy coat, and they dashed outside. Meredith was still talking. “The text said, ‘Run!’ Then it said, ‘Get into the woods. I’ll find you.’”

She made a horrified sound. “Gray! What if it was the wrong people? What if I just—”

“What was the number?”

“It was local. Five-five-five-seven-seven-three-eight.”

“That was the agent. We’re good.”

“Oh, thank you, Jesus. He’s helping us.”

The Lord knew they needed his help on this one indeed.

He maneuvered them through the cars in the parking lot, then through the small graveyard, dodging stones and plaques and narrowly avoiding a broken kneecap when a small bench appeared out of nowhere.

The goal for the moment was simple. Get out of sight. He’d figure the rest of it out after they made their escape.

Ten feet into the wooded area around the church, their pace slowed to a fast walk. Another ten feet and they were moving slower. There was no path, no trail, and the farther into the forest they went, the thicker the trees, vines, prickly thorns, and undergrowth.

He looked for a place they could pause. He needed to check his phone. He needed to check Meredith. He needed to get them out of this situation. Once again, his nightmares had come to life while he was wide awake. If he lost Meredith...

They kept moving for five of the longest minutes of his existence when he expected to hear gunfire ringing out every second, and then he found a spot that was far from perfect but would do for a few moments. Several trees had fallen and there was enough room for them to squat down behind them and have some protection on at least three sides.

Meredith hadn’t spoken since they hit the tree line, and as he maneuvered her into the safest spot he could manage, the only sound she made was labored breathing.

He glanced at his phone.

They know you’re gone.

He showed the screen to Meredith.

Her eyes were wide, and her breathing was more like panting. She hiked often and was in good shape. She wasn’t winded. She was scared.

So was he. Not only of the men chasing them, but of what he might become if he lost her. This was why he didn’t do relationships. This was why he’d done his best to stay away from Meredith. If he failed to protect her tonight, he wouldn’t survive.

He couldn’t risk a phone call, but he put Cal, Mo, Donovan, and Brick on a group text.

Had to make a run for it. No time to explain. We’re in the woods behind the church. Pretty sure they’re looking for us.

Gray had to hope his signal was strong enough.

Meredith’s phone buzzed at the same time his did. She looked at it.

Gray looked at his.

The message was from Mo and had been sent to both of them.

Look around. Anything familiar?

What kind of random remark was that? Gray went to fire back a message, but Meredith was doing exactly as Mo had requested.

The next message was a bit more logical.

Do you have a compass? If you do, head SSW until you know where you are.

South-southwest would put them deeper into the woods and not toward any road that Gray knew of.