“But you’re exhausted and cold.”
“It’s nothing coffee and a shower can’t fix.”
He’d been outside most of the night, wearing one of those head-to-toe rain slickers, boots, and a huge hat. It had helped him stay dry but hadn’t helped him stay warm. The temperature had insisted on hanging out in the upper thirties all week, making for miserable outdoor conditions.
But there’d been no point in arguing. The only redeeming factor about this wedding was that it was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. The ceremony would be over by 11:30, and when it was over and the pictures had been taken, she and Gray would pack up all the live greenery from the church and hightail it back to Gossamer Falls.
The new reception plan would be a simple affair with cake and punch only. The bride and groom planned to spend their wedding night in Asheville, then fly to Jamaica for their honeymoon. With everyone crammed into the small space, Meredith had no qualms whatsoever about leaving early.
Meredith’s tires hit standing water and lost traction for a moment. She gripped the steering wheel tighter and focused on the road. Ten more minutes to the church and then she could trade her “driving in the rain” anxiety for the fancier “hope I don’t get kidnapped at the wedding” anxiety.
Mo had been in her living room when she woke up, sipping his expensive coffee and pecking away at his computer. He’d made her breakfast and hugged her hard before she left.
Her dad had called and prayed for her over the phone, then he told her he loved her and he’d see her and Gray for supper that night.
Her mom had joined in on the conversation and there’d been no hint of fear in her voice when she said, “I’m so proud of you, Merry-girl.”
Meredith had to go fix her makeup after that.
Landry let it slip that Cal and Mo intended to drive toward the county line so they could react faster should there be a need.
And Cassie let it slip that the patrol route for today had been modified and included a heavy Gossamer Falls police presence in the area bordering Neeson County.
Of course, that had been before the mudslide.
But still. Gray was with her.
The church was one of the first buildings you came to as you drove into Neeson from Gossamer Falls, and Meredith unclenched her jaw when she saw it. She parked as close as she could to the side door, and before she could gather her phone and keys, Gray was at her door, huge umbrella overhead, ready to assist.
They didn’t talk as they raced to the door and found it, as promised, unlocked. “You stay right here where I can see you,” Gray shouted above the rain. “I’ll unload the cars.”
“That’s ridiculous,” she shouted back. “I can—”
He kissed her. Hard. Fast. Then said, “Please let me do this.”
She stood to the side while he went out into the storm.
“This could be a problem,” she said out loud. She’d beenprepared to stand her ground, and that kiss had short-circuited her arguments.
When he brought in the first load of flowers, she stepped closer to him. “Just so you know, you can’t get your way by kissing me.”
He put one hand on her chin and pressed his lips to hers again. This kiss was slow and a little bit teasing. “You sure about that?” He winked and went back outside.
“Is it hot in here? It can’t be hot in here.” She spoke aloud again. Great. Not only did she have a spine that was about as stiff as cake batter, but now she was asking herself questions and answering them ... out loud.
This time, when he came back in, she stayed several steps back and waited for him to set his burdens down.
“Why are you standing way back there?” Gray’s expression was entirely too smug for his health. “Scared?”
He laughed so hard she could hear him over the rain.
He would be insufferable now. And if he clued in to how his kisses made her dizzy? She’d never hear the end of it.