When Meredith didn’t say anything more, her mother prompted, “What’s that, dear? Oh, wait. Let me guess. You’ve just realized that he’s making you mad because he does the same thing you do. And you don’t like that at all.” She stood and patted Meredith’s hand. “I’m going to see if they’ve got things sorted so we can eat. I’m starving. You be sure to make up with your brother before you run off with Gray.”
“Mama!” Meredith flushed.
“Please. I’m not an idiot. You’ll be dragging him out for a walk by the river before we’re halfway done eating.”
“He’s on call, Mama.”
“Well, that changes things. Better get that walk in first.” She grinned a sly grin, patted Gray’s arm, and disappeared into the house.
Gray took the seat she’d vacated and waited for Meredith to speak.
“I wish I could tell you this is abnormal behavior, but I can’t. My family’s always like this.”
“If by ‘this,’ you mean exuberantly loving, wildly protective, and fiercely loyal, then, yeah, they are. And you are the luckiest woman in the world to have that.”
“True, but today they’re driving me bonkers.” Meredith poppedto her feet. “Come on. Let’s go eat. You’re starving, and I need to find Mo.”
Gray hadn’t seen her in two days. They were in an empty room at the back of the house. And he had no plans to wait for a walk that might not happen.
He stood, spun her around, and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Meredith.” Her eyes were wide, her mouth parted, and she made a soft sound that indicated that she’d heard him. “I’m not that hungry.”
She slid her hands up his arms and laced them around his neck. “In that case...” She pressed her lips to his, and he knew no one else would ever touch him the way she did.
And when she ended the kiss far sooner than he wanted her to and insisted that he get some food before someone in Gossamer Falls did something stupid that required his assistance, he knew that no one else would ever be protective of him the way she was.
She bullied family members to clear a path and made sure he had a full plate of food and a separate plate for dessert. Holding her own plate, which held nothing more than a green salad, in front of her, she led the way to one of the tables set up in the garage. They sat beside each other, and while he inhaled the first real meal he’d had in two days, she picked at her salad.
Until Mo sat down across from her and slid a full plate of food to her. “Eat.”
Gray made note of the items on the plate. Deviled eggs. Mac and cheese. A yeast roll. Mashed potatoes. Ham. Green beans.
Meredith slid her salad to Mo and said, “Then you eat this.”
Mo grinned and took a huge bite of the salad. Meredith took a big bite of mashed potatoes.
Jacqueline walked by, saw the three of them, and smiled. “It makes me so happy to see you getting along.”
Mo blew her a kiss, and she caught it and then walked away.
“What am I missing?” Gray asked.
Mo spoke around a bite. “Meredith doesn’t like salad, and I only like salads when someone else makes them.”
“You don’t like salad?” She’d seemed to enjoy the wedge salad he’d made for her Thursday night.
“I like salads, but not at Granny’s. Why would I eat a salad when I can eat this?” She waved a forkful of mac and cheese in his direction.
She had a point. And he had a lot to learn. He thought he’d been paying attention. Thought he had catalogued many of the things that made Meredith tick, but there was still so much he didn’t know.
Cal and Landry joined them at their table a few moments later.
Landry had a roll, mashed potatoes, and a piece of ham on her plate. Nothing more. Weird. Landry usually had a little bit of everything.
For a few moments, everyone ate, and the conversation was light and innocuous. Cal scooped up a spoonful of corn and asked, “When will you have time for some target practice?”
Gray wasn’t sure if the question was meant for him or Meredith.
Meredith’s grumbled “Never” answered the question for him.