Page 10 of Break My Fall

“We’re all good. Better than good.” Landry’s voice filtered through the speaker. “And, Bronwyn, I get that you’re afraid for Meredith, but taking that fear out on your oldest friend isn’t going to solve anything.”

“Go, Landry!” Meredith crowed. “I do love having you for a sister.” Technically, Landry was her cousin-in-law, but Quinns didn’t get too fussed about actual familial titles.

“I love having sisters.” Meredith could hear the smile in Landry’s voice. “And as your new sister, I have to tell you that while I don’t agree with Bronwyn’s approach, I can’t disagree with her overall message. There’s something going on over there, and I’m afraid for you. Cal and Mo need you. So do Bronwyn and I.”

Somehow, Landry’s gentle reproof shattered the wall Meredith had erected to keep herself calm, and she had to work to keep from crying. “I know. You’re right. I don’t understand it. But I’ll be careful. I’ve already promised Gray I won’t leave the countyalone. And if I go anywhere out of my normal routine, I’ll make sure someone knows what’s happening.”

“Good. I’m sorry I was so bossy. I’m just...” Bronwyn went silent.

“What she isn’t saying,” Landry said, “is that when she gets scared, she tries to control everything and everyone around her. She’s working on that.”

Landry’s comment made Meredith laugh. And she could hear Bronwyn’s laughter as well. “Can we talk more tonight? Firepit?”

“Sure,” Landry agreed immediately.

Bronwyn hesitated. “I don’t know. My presence adds a layer of tension to the proceedings. I don’t want that.”

Meredith turned into her parents’ driveway. Bronwyn wasn’t wrong. The rift between Bronwyn and Mo was so deep that Meredith had almost given up hope that it would ever be healed. “Mo doesn’t talk to me about you. He never has. I’m not sure if he ever will. But he did tell Cal that he was glad you’re back in my life. And in Cal’s life. I don’t think he wants to keep us from spending time together. Please come.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll work on her,” Landry said.

“Thanks. Listen, I’m at Mom and Dad’s, so I need to run.”

“Give them my love,” Bronwyn said. “And let us know if you need us to do anything.”

“Will do.”

In her rearview mirror, she saw that Gray had parked in the driveway. Meredith continued on behind the house and straight to her father’s shop. Every Quinn male had a shop of some kind. Meredith suspected it was because they all carried a packrat gene and they knew better than to try to bring all their junk inside their homes.

Papa Quinn’s shop mostly had tools and gardening equipment.Her dad’s shop held similar items but also an assortment of specific tools for car repair. He’d had a passion for cars since he was a kid. A passion Papa Quinn didn’t share but had encouraged all the same.

She parked the van, climbed out, and came face-to-face with two men who, on the surface, couldn’t be more different. Her dad was lean but still straight and strong. His once-brown hair was shot through with gray, most of which had come over the last few years. He wore glasses and gave off a bit of an academic vibe. And he was the best dad a girl could have. He’d held her heart safe for every single moment of her thirty-two years.

Beside him, Gray stood a couple of inches taller and about a foot wider in the shoulders. Gray had a muscular frame that made people ask him if he’d played football in high school (no) or been in the military (yes, a Marine). His dark hair was cut short. His ethnicity was a mix of African American, Hispanic, and White, and his skin stayed brown year-round, although it did darken a little in the summer. At thirty-five, he didn’t look old, but there was already a gravitas and maturity to him that screamed “I’ve got this.” Even when he was relaxed, he gave off a protective vibe.

When he wasn’t relaxed, like now, the vibe morphed into a fierce energy that radiated from him and gave the impression that he was a microsecond away from throwing his body in front of a bullet. He was the best police chief Gossamer Falls had ever had. And he’d held Meredith’s heart in a stranglehold since the moment she’d laid eyes on him two and a half years ago.

Gray must have already assured her dad that she was unharmed, because he wasn’t nearly as freaked out as she’d expected him to be. In this situation, the best defense was offense.

“Hey, Dad! Some idiot cut my fuel line. Do you think you can fix it?” She was going for more outrage than fear.

“Nice try, munchkin.” Her dad sounded stern, but his eyes crinkled and he held out an arm. She snuggled against him. “Gray told me someone had cut it. He hasn’t gotten around to telling me why.”

“He doesn’t know, Dad. It just happened.”

“And why am I just now hearing about it?”

“Because I didn’t want you or Mom to freak out. I’m fine. Perfectly safe. And...”

She trailed off as his arm tightened.

“No more solo trips.” There was no budge in his voice.


“No more, young lady. I know you’re grown. I couldn’t be prouder of you. But my heart can’t take it. Please.”