He held up his phone. A gloved hand took it.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. When everyone returns to the auditorium, you’re going to slowly get to your feet. Then we’ll take a walk together.”
Seth noticed people streaming back through the double doors. The results must be in, much faster than he’d anticipated.
To his right, Yasmine stepped out of the alcove and paused, her head down over her phone but her back now to the auditorium. “I’ll get the girl.”
Then she left, leaving Seth stunned—and fearing for Jetta’s life.Dear God, please keep her safe!The prayer looped over and over as people left the area to return to the meeting.
When the doors closed, the man prodded him with the gun. “Let’s go. Nice and slow, big guy.”
Seth rose to his feet, his mind racing with the revelation of Yasmine’s involvement. Was she the secret embezzler? He had read something about embezzling being a pink crime, one mostly perpetrated by women, but nothing seemed to point to the youngest Topher’s guilt, probably because she’d cleverly directed it to Jay Ainsley instead.
“Walk to the left toward the far exit.” The man moved slightly behind him on his left, the gun now against his side.
Seth noted which door and moved through the now-empty corridor. He tried to remember from their brief tour if the company had security cameras, but even if they did, he doubted footage of his abduction would be made available to the authorities. They made it outside without seeing anyone, further lowering his chances of being found. A black SUV with tinted windows and Maryland plates pulled up to the curb.
“In the back.”
Seth opened the door and slid inside. The man stood in the open doorway, his gun trained on Seth while the male driver twisted in his seat.
“Hold out your wrists.”
Seth did as the driver instructed. He kept his face blank as the man zip-tied his wrists together. Tight. Once secured, the driver turned back to face the windshield. Seth didn’t see the blow coming from the side in time to move. The crack of a gun butt against his temple sent him sideways and into darkness. His last conscious thought was another half-formed prayer for Jetta’s safety.
* * *
The room buzzedwith anticipation as those who had left during the break returned to their seats. Jetta shifted in the padded theater-style chair, trying to get comfortable. The baby kicked his displeasure at her movement—or maybe he too was tired of all this sitting. She decided standing in the back would be preferable to feeling like a whale stuffed into a sardine can. She offered excuses as she made her way from the middle of the row to the aisle. Once against the back wall, she sent another text to Seth.
Vote results are in.
No response. She frowned but maybe he was on another call. Ryan stood at the podium and brought the meeting back to order. He called on one of the board members to read the results of the vote.
“The vote on whether to accept Maxwell Technology’s takeover bid carries, with a margin of 432 to 412.”
The room erupted in cheers and boos. Jetta texted Seth the results. Nothing from him. She slipped through one of the doors and into the corridor. Detective Harwell, along with several uniformed police officers, approached her.
“Ms. Ainsley, I didn’t realize you would be here.” Detective Harwell paused before her.
“I didn’t either, but apparently my father passed along his shares of the company to me in the months before his death.” She craned her neck around the man to see if Seth was in his spot by the potted tree. Then the significance of the police presence registered. “Are you here to arrest Gene Topher for kidnapping my mom?”
“We will be in touch once we have more information.” The detective’s noncommittal answer seemed to indicate she’d guessed right.
“Ms. Ainsley?”
As the police contingent headed into the auditorium, Jetta turned to see a young woman dressed in a business suit. “Yes?”
“Mr. Whitman asked me to give this to you.” She handed Jetta a piece of paper, then walked away.
Jetta unfolded the paper.
I know who’s behind the embezzlement. Meet me outside through the doors to your left.
She frowned. Why write her a note when he could text her? She sent him a series of question marks as a text, then waited but received no reply. She didn’t like this, not at all. Every instinct screamed this was a setup. She hesitated, her desire to know the truth about the embezzlement warring with her caution. Spinning on her heel, she’d taken three steps toward the designated door when she halted. Everything she knew about Seth told her he wouldn’t ignore her texts unless he was unable to answer. She tried calling his phone. It rang several times before rolling to voicemail. She disconnected without leaving a message.