Page 81 of Justice Denied

Seth leaned against the wall across from the auditorium to watch the shareholders of Topher Robotics enter for the emergency meeting. He reminded himself for the umpteenth time to not make this more than it was—a request by Jetta’s mom to keep an eye on her daughter. Jetta acquiesced because she didn’t want to upset her mother. While Jetta hadn’t told him that in so many words, he had read between the lines of her texts to decipher the real reason for her request.

Jetta had promised to keep him updated via text on the proceedings behind the soon-to-be closed doors. Meanwhile, he observed those entering and prayed for Jetta’s safety and the resolution of the case. Even though what they didn’t know seemed huge, other pieces had begun to fall into place. Emily’s revelation that Gene was behind her abduction had raised even more questions, and Seth had done further digging into the middle Topher sibling’s life.

From company photographs, he surmised Gene usually took a back seat to his more outgoing brother and sister because Gene was never in the action but always on the fringes of those photos. The police indicated they would be investigating Emily’s assertion of Gene’s involvement in her kidnapping, but Seth itched to confront the man himself.

His phone buzzed.

Still waiting on the Tophers. Mood is uneasy. Scuttlebutt is board decision wasn’t unanimous.

Thx. Stay safe.

A group of people approached, and Seth recognized the Topher siblings. He stepped behind a leafy tree in a huge pot to avoid being seen. He didn’t want questions as to why he was lurking in the hallway outside a closed-door shareholders meeting.

Tophers arriving now.

After the doors closed behind the Tophers and their entourage, Seth glanced around the now-empty corridor. Maybe he could slip inside the room without anyone noticing, as he didn’t want to miss the action. But every door he tried was locked, even the side doors. So much for that bright idea.

He returned to his corner behind the large plant and sat cross-legged on the carpet, then maneuvered the pot a little to shield his hiding place. He didn’t want anyone disturbing him or asking him to leave the hallway. His phone buzzed in silent mode.

Meeting underway. Board voted against the merger.

Any idea how close was the vote?

Someone behind me said it was very close.

A divided board meant Ryan Topher didn’t have as much control over the company as he projected during their morning interview and photo session. The trio of dots indicated Jetta was adding more.

A shareholder stood to ask who controls Peter Topher’s shares, since he’s in the hospital. Apparently, Ryan doesn’t.

Who does?


Seth sent a shocked face emoji at that response.

How did that go over?

There’s a lot of shouting. Wait, Ryan’s managed to calm everyone down. They’re calling for a vote.

Seth waited, but Jetta stayed silent for about fifteen minutes, presumably while they voted.

We have a break while they tally the votes. I’m heading to the bathroom.

People exited, and he craned his neck to see Jetta, spotting her hustling to the restrooms to the left of where he sat, still hidden by the green plant. Other people milled about on their phones. Yasmine Topher strode out and headed toward him, pausing on the other side of the plant in the small alcove.

Another text buzzed in, this time from Leslie, his FinCEN contact.

Just a heads-up we have confirmation about Gene’s involvement in Emily Ainsley’s kidnapping. We’ve passed that along to the local police.

Good. Anything new about who was behind the embezzlement?

A little progress. Still sorting through everything.

Appreciate you letting me know.

Leslie sent him a thumbs-up emoji. Seth quickly updated Jetta with Leslie’s info. Then the hairs on the back of his neck prickled, but before he could look over his shoulder, something hard and round pressed in between his shoulder blades.

“Hand me your phone, and no funny business. This is a gun against your back.” The conversational tone to the man’s voice chilled Seth more than the weapon’s proximity to his heart.