That made sense. Her mother had been both sad and mad for so long after Dad died. Jetta hadn’t understood the anger, but now that she knew the full picture, she did. “But surely you got notices about shareholder meetings, etc.”
“I didn’t because your father had opened a PO box and used that as the address for the notices. I found that too, but of course, since he’d only paid for a year, that had closed, and the notices were likely returned. He’d used his work address as the alternate one for the PO box, according to the paperwork I found.”
Another question occurred to Jetta. “How do you know I still own the stock, since it’s been so long and the notices were returned?”
“I called the shareholder number and confirmed it. I also updated the address, but it’s still addressed to me because we both have to be present to remove me as the custodian on the account.” Mom pushed herself up in the raised bed to a more seated position. “I think you should attend. Seth can’t because he’s not a shareholder, but I think he should drive you and wait outside in case you need assistance.”
Jetta narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t another of your ploys to throw us together romantically, is it?”
“No, dear. This is a suggestion to get insider information and perhaps more answers to what happened to your father.” Her mother patted her hand as if placating a child.
She resisted the urge to squirm and ignored the voice whispering that her mother had guessed Jetta wasn’t as opposed to that idea as she let on. She could not view Seth in that way because he was too honorable a man to be trapped with a woman with her baggage and a child not his own.
“Seth is a big, strong man capable of keeping you safe.”
Her mother’s words reminded Jetta how secure being in Seth’s arms had made her feel, how she loved his protectiveness towards her and the baby. Besides, Jetta shouldn’t beard the lion’s den solo. Time to admit her mother had a point. “Okay, I’ll text him.”
“Good. After everything that’s happened, I don’t want to worry about you.”
Her mother did have a few new worry lines around her mouth and forehead, so perhaps that wasn’t far from the truth. Jetta sent a text to Seth outlining Mom’s idea, then stood. “I need to rest if I’m to stay awake during the meeting.”
“You’ll update me as soon as you can?”
“Of course.” She kissed Mom’s cheek, then left. Her heart skipped a beat as she made plans via text to meet up with Seth ahead of the meeting. Even her baby appeared to somersault with glee at the thought of spending more time with their handsome neighbor. No matter how sternly Jetta talked to herself on the drive home, she couldn’t shake the fissure of anticipation at seeing Seth again.
* * *
Mae Stanhope adjustedher skirt and crossed her ankles as she waited for Agent Leslie Updike to join her in the small room. The vase of fresh flowers, light blue walls, and comfortable chairs around a round table wasn’t at all what she expected. No stark interrogation room with a bright light and bolted down furniture. She could have been in someone’s study.
The door opened, and a woman wearing slacks, a button-down pale-blue shirt, and a jaunty silk scarf as a headband entered, carrying an armful of folders. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Agent Leslie Updike with FinCEN.”
Mae shook the woman’s outstretched hand.
“May I get you anything? Water? Coffee?” The agent smiled as she set her folders down.
“No, thank you.” Mae’s nervousness returned with the agent’s entrance. She told herself not to worry, there was nothing to find. She’d been so very careful, and when that nice man, Jay Ainsley, dropped dead of a heart attack, the case had died with him.
“If you change your mind, let me know.” Agent Updike placed the top folder in front of her, then clasped her hands on top of it. “I appreciate your coming here late on a Friday afternoon to help with our inquiries.”
That gave Mae the opening she’d been waiting for. “I have no idea exactly how I can help you and with what inquiries. You were very cryptic on the phone.”
“I apologize for that. I’m sure you understand the nature of our investigations must be kept close to the vest, as they say.” Agent Updike opened the folder. “But I’m sure you can clear up a few points.”
Mae wrinkled her brow. “Do I need a lawyer?”
“That is your right, of course, but you’re not under arrest nor have I read you your rights. Right now, it’s just a chat. But a lawyer will give this entire thing more gravity than it deserves.” She shrugged.
Mae bit her lip. The woman seemed friendly and open, but she hadn’t gotten away with millions by being foolish. “Okay, I guess.”
“Great. If at any time during our conversation you want an attorney, say the word.”
Agent Updike confirmed with Mae her full name, address, date of birth, and years at Topher Robotics. “What position did you start at with the company?”
“As an admin for the accounting department.” Mae answered more questions about her rise through the ranks to her current job as executive assistant to the president. The questions put her at ease.
“So it would be fair to say you have acquired an excellent understanding of the inner workings of Topher Robotics.” The agent met Mae’s gaze.
“I would say that’s true.” Mae straightened in her chair at the implied praise.