Page 74 of Justice Denied

“Is that true?” Emily couldn’t believe any of the siblings would try to damage their father’s company in that way.

“All of them vehemently denied it, but while Ryan appeared shocked, the other two seemed more angry than surprised.”

“What did they say?” Curiosity tugged at Emily. While Peter Topher had still been chairman of the board when Jay worked there, Ryan, Gene, and Yasmine had been more involved in the day-to-day running of the company.

Seth pulled out his phone. “I had put away my camera, but Brogan had asked me to record his asking the question for his story. All three had given permission for recording the conversations earlier, but Brogan wanted to focus on their facial expressions rather than making sure he was recording.” He tapped the screen, then held out the phone toward Emily.

A male voice, presumably Brogan’s, asked the question. A moment of silence, then two males and a female talked over one another in a jumble of denials. Then one of the brothers said, “How dare you accuse me of such an action!”

Emily shot out her hand. “Stop it.”

Seth complied.

“Play that last bit again.”

He brought the phone closer to Emily and played the recording again, this time a little louder. Her pulse accelerated, and a wave of dizziness swept over her as she listened to the voice of her questioner. She raised a trembling hand to her temple. “That’s the voice of the man who asked me questions about Vie. He’s the one who kidnapped me.”

“You’re sure?” Seth replayed the recording a third time.

Emily nodded. “He tried to disguise his voice, but that’s the one. Which brother was it?”


“The neglected middle child.” She gave a half smile, remembering hearing her own middle children complaining in mostly a teasing way about their lot in life to be overlooked and forgotten.

“I’ll text the detective to let him know.” Seth sent the message while Emily digested the fact that Gene Topher had kidnapped her.

The why eluded her, unless he thought she knew more about the new technology under development than he had access to, which made no sense, given he worked for Topher and she hadn’t set foot on the company campus in years.

“Mrs. Ainsley?” A lanky Hispanic man pushed an empty wheelchair into the room. “I’m here to give you a ride in my chariot to the lobby.”

“Wonderful.” Emily allowed the hospital orderly to assist her into the chair while more questions pummeled her mind. Was Gene also the one who embezzled millions and blamed Jay? Possibly. Maybe the police would look into it more closely with this new evidence of his illicit activities.

Seth trailed behind them as the orderly took her to the lobby. Emily thanked the man once he parked her beside a couch.

“Will you be okay here while I get my car?”

Seth’s concern showed Emily once again what a caring individual he was. If only Jetta would see that it was genuine and not some act designed to fool women. But his comment reminded her she needed to come clean about something else too. “Actually, my daughter is coming to give me a ride.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Does she know you asked me to come as well?”

Emily shrugged. “I might have not said anything about inviting you.”

“Mrs. Ainsley—”

“I’ve told you to call me Emily.”

“Emily.” Seth dragged her name out to more than three syllables. “Jetta has made it clear she’s only interested in friendship with me.”

“She’s making a mistake.” Emily leaned forward, trying to get Seth onboard.

“It’s her decision—not yours—and I will respect her decision. This”—he gestured to himself and her—“isn’t going to help things.”

From behind Seth, Emily spotted her daughter entering the lobby.

“Mom?” Jetta looked from Emily to Seth and back again. “What’s going on?”

Emily sighed. “Don’t get mad at Seth. I asked him to give me a ride too.”