Her mother continued her tale, and Jetta shuddered as she listened to what her mother had gone through—being stuffed into the van and driven for hours before she was deposited into a room with only a mattress on the floor.
“Any idea as to why they kidnapped you? There was never any hint of ransom,” Detective Harwell said.
“I don’t think it was about money, or at least, it wasn’t about getting money specifically for my return.” Emily’s brow wrinkled as if she was trying to puzzle something out. “Jetta, did you tell him about your father and the embezzlement?”
“No, but I did mention it to the officers I spoke with at the rehab center.” Jetta sketched the basic outline of the original case and what they had done so far to try to uncover the truth after her mother had received the envelope. “We have a lot of pieces but haven’t been able to put together a full picture.”
Detective Harwell jotted down notes, then refocused on the recent kidnapping. “Why do you think the accusations against your husband and your kidnapping are connected?”
“Because someone came in—disguised with a ski mask and wearing gloves too—to ask me about Topher Robotics and some secret project called Vie.” Mom shivered. “The person wasn’t happy when I said I had no idea what they were talking about. But the person knew all about my trying to clear Jay’s name of the embezzlement charge.”
Jetta crossed her arms, resting them on top of her rounded belly. “Why would they think you knew about the project?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea.” Her mother sighed. “Then the two men who’d taken me returned last night, grabbed me, and left me in the cemetery. I never saw the other person again.”
Detective Harwell asked more questions, but her mother didn’t have more to add to her original recollection. He stood. “Thank you for your time, and I hope you’ll recover from your ordeal.” He handed Jetta his business card, then addressed Mom. “Please call me if you recall anything else.”
Her mother thanked the detective. As he left, the doctor returned. “Mrs. Ainsley, good news. Your recent excursion didn’t damage your leg. The bones are still healing nicely.”
“I sense abutcoming,” her mother said.
The doctor laughed. “But since we also had your chest x-rayed, we found a small white spot on your lungs, which indicates you have an infection, probably pneumonia. So we’d like to keep you for a day to get some antibiotics going through an IV.”
She coughed. “Now that you mention it, I have felt more congested and some pain when breathing, but not all the time.”
“We caught it early, so with the antibiotics, you’ll be feeling better soon.” He touched her mother’s hand. “A nurse will be by to let you know when we have a room ready for you upstairs.”
After he left, Jetta scooted her chair closer and took her mother’s hand between both of hers. “I’m sorry, Mom. I know you want to go home, and not be in a hospital again.”
“But I won’t be going home, will I?” Mom sighed. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but change is hard.”
“Saying goodbye to the house you lived in for so long must be difficult too.” Jetta drew in a breath. “May I pray for you?”
“That would be wonderful.” Emily closed her eyes, and Jetta did the same. Then she lifted up her mother before the Lord, praising God for her safe return and asking for her healing. She closed with a petition that they would clear Jay’s name as well.
“Amen,” Mom echoed when Jetta finished. “Thank you, my dear.”
Jetta smiled. “Of course. It’s nice to share faith with you.”
“I shouldn’t have strayed after your father died, but God has brought me back into his fold.” Mom coughed, reminding Jetta of her mother’s fragile health.
The nurse whisked back the curtain. “Mrs. Ainsley, they’re ready to move you to your room.”
Jetta rose to move out of the way as the nurse began unhooking the medical equipment. An orderly came in and raised the siderails on the bed.
The nurse turned to Jetta. “You can check in at the front desk in about half an hour to get the room number.”
Dismissed, Jetta returned to the waiting room. Seth sat, elbows on knees, his attention fixed on his smartphone. She paused to study him, admiring the way his long-sleeved t-shirt conformed to his impressive arm muscles. Long legs encased in faded blue jeans put him over six feet tall, a nice contrast to her own five feet, six inches. His rumpled brown hair and growing beard added to his overall physical appeal. Then there was their kiss. The kiss had rocked her to her toes. Even the baby had seemed to leap for joy at the contact.
But while she admitted to being attracted to the outward package, it was the inner man who tugged at her own heart. She’d seen his gentle nature, his kindness, his compassion, his willingness to help. All of those attributes made him irresistible, but resist him she must, although not for her own sake but for his. He might say now he wouldn’t mind raising another man’s child, but when he heard the rest of the story, he might change his mind. She thought too highly of him to ever tie him to her and the baby, no matter what her heart had begun to tell her.
* * *
Seth shuthis vehicle door and shouldered his camera bag before walking toward Topher Robotics. He hoped the early morning run with Bingley, plus the gallons of coffee he had consumed, would keep him alert during their interview with Ryan Topher.
As he held the door for a pair of women exiting the building, he prayed once more for Jetta, who he’d left resting with Bingley. She’d been cool toward him, expressing thanks for taking Bingley out but not trying to engage in conversation beyond the essentials. Maybe it was because they both were exhausted after being in the hospital with Emily, but somehow, he thought it was due to her having second thoughts about a relationship with him that went beyond friendship.
With an effort, he shook off his thoughts of Jetta to focus on the upcoming interview. He entered the building and spotted Brogan chatting on his cell by a group of club chairs to the right of the reception area. He dumped his camera bag onto the low table and removed the digital camera, looping the strap over his head. While he waited for Brogan to finish his call, he snapped a few pics of the lobby.