“What happened?”
“He’s alive. Your mother called. The housekeeper found him in his office slumped over the desk when she brought him his morning coffee. He was unresponsive, and he’s been taken to the hospital. They’re running tests to see if it was a heart attack or stroke.”
Ryan nodded as Sage related more information while keeping a serious expression on his face. While he wouldn’t have wished his father harm, he couldn’t help but see how the timing of his father’s illness would play into his hands to keep the board on his side—and ready to quash any other hostile takeover bids.
He swiveled to see Sage staring at him, concern in her eyes. He offered a tight smile. “I’m okay—shocked, of course.”
His phone buzzed in Sage’s hand. She glanced at it. “Gene’s calling.”
Ryan did not want to talk to his brother, not yet. “Tell him I’m in the shower but to come to the office as soon as he can. And call Yasmine to tell her the same.” He didn’t wait for Sage to agree to his commands but left knowing she would. She was a most excellent wife, never complaining of his long hours at the office. Maybe soon, he would be able to enjoy the fruits of all his labors with her. The idea of a months-long tour in an RV of the Southwest US buoyed him through his shower and dressing.
Forty-five minutes after learning of his father’s health crisis, Ryan convened a closed-door meeting with his siblings.
“What happened to Dad?” Gene asked as he sipped coffee he’d brought with him.
“I spoke with Mom, and she said the initial tests indicated he had a heart attack.” Ryan leaned against his desk, opting to stand while his brother and sister sat in the pair of visitor club chairs.
“Just like Jay Ainsley.” Yasmine sounded shaken.
“Who?” Gene frowned.
“The head of accounting Dad accused of embezzling millions of dollars,” his sister snapped back. “Surely you remember? The media hounded us for months.”
Ryan bit back a groan as her words reminded him he had an interview with Brogan Gilmore at ten this morning. He would have to cancel, of course, in light of his father’s hospitalization. “Let’s not jump to conclusions.”
“I’m not jumping to conclusions,” Yasmine huffed. “I’m pointing out it’s weird when Dad had a checkup last month and was pronounced in excellent physical health that he would suddenly have a heart attack.”
“He’s eight-seven, for goodness sake,” Gene responded. “Didn’t that Ainsley guy have some sort of hidden heart condition?”
Ryan didn’t want to listen to their squabbles about inconsequential things. “That’s enough. Our father is fighting for his life, and we have to decide what that means for the future of the company.”
Yasmine narrowed her eyes. “It doesn’t mean anything, dear brother. We continue on as before.”
“That’s not exactly true.” Ryan waited until both his siblings looked him straight in the eyes. “I have Dad’s power of attorney, so that means I control his shares of the company until he’s back on his feet.”
“What?” Gene shot to his feet. “That would give you…”
“Fifty-two percent of the shares and thus control of the company.” Ryan crossed his arms and tried not to smile too broadly as Gene gaped at him. He’d suspected Yasmine and Gene of plotting with shareholders to sell the company to Maxwell Technology, but his father’s heart attack had spiked their plans.
“Are you sure about that?” Yasmine stayed seated, her expression calm.
“I can show you the document if you’d like.”
“I’d check what your power of attorney covers.” Yasmine reached into her briefcase beside her chair. She brought out a folder, which she handed to Ryan. “Dad also gave me power of attorney—specifically to control his shares of the company.”
Ryan wouldn’t respond until he’d seen the document. If that were true, that meant his sister would block his attempt to salvage the company. One glance at the page confirmed his sister’s words. He closed his eyes, seeing all his hard work to save the company draining away like an old battery.
“Yes!” Gene pumped his fist into the air. “Why didn’t I hear about this?”
“It appears no one did apart from Yasmine.” Ryan didn’t have time for his brother’s joy or his sister’s smugness. “You do realize if Maxwell Technology succeeds, they will break Topher Robotics into pieces. People will lose their jobs.”
“But we’ll be rich.” Gene rubbed his hands together. “This is the best news I’ve had all day.”
“You’re rejoicing? If Dad survives, he’ll have another heart attack over what the two of you have done to the company he founded.” Ryan couldn’t believe his siblings would be so unfeeling.
“You thought you were the favored child, but I guess you found out the hard way Dad didn’t trust your business judgment.” Yasmine got to her feet. “The only thing Dad loved was this company. Not me and certainly not either of you. If I happen to destroy his life’s work, so be it. At least I’ll have enough money to leave this area and never look back.”