Page 65 of Justice Denied

“Good.” Emily’s eyes slid closed as Brogan returned with a blanket.

“It’s one Melender and I use for picnics.” He handed it to Seth, who tucked it around Emily.

“I’ll call Jetta. She’ll be mad she’s not here but glad her mom’s been found.” Seth pulled up Jetta’s contact info as flashing lights and a siren heralded the arrival of the emergency personnel. He prayed for the right words to say to calm her as quickly as possible. When she picked up, he tried to inject confidence into his tone. “Jetta, it’s Seth.”

“What’s wrong? Is it Mom?” Tension filled Jetta’s voice.

“Your mom’s fine, Jetta.” Seth looked at Emily, who had opened her eyes at the sound of her daughter’s name. “We found her, and she’s going to be okay.”

He held the phone to Emily’s ear and mouth. “Seth is telling the truth. I’m a little more banged up, but I’m alive and free.” She listened for a moment longer, then repeated assurances she was okay before nodding to Seth to remove the phone.

“She really will be okay.” As he spoke to Jetta, a police cruiser, an SUV, and an ambulance crowded the small cemetery parking lot. “The calvary has arrived. As soon as I know what hospital they’re taking your mom to, I will text you. Promise.”

“Thank you, Seth. I don’t know how you found her, but thank you.” She alternated between crying and hiccuping. “I’m so happy, I’m crying. Again.”

“I will let you know as soon as I know more, but I need to go now.” Seth wanted to stay on the phone with Jetta, but he had questions to answer and Mom to assist. His heart warmed at her thanks, and he prayed perhaps God would use this to strengthen Jetta’s faith and heal her heart.

* * *

Twenty minutes later,Jetta slid behind the wheel, praying the same prayer over and over again.Lord, please keep me safe. Let Mom be okay. Thank you for her return to us.

On the way to Stone Springs Hospital, where Seth had texted the ambulance was taking Mom, the repetition calmed her. But she couldn’t help glancing in her rearview and side mirrors because the sense of someone following her wouldn’t leave. In the darkness, no one pair of headlights stood out in the light traffic, so she put her paranoia down to a residual response to her mother’s kidnapping.

The Emergency Department parking lot had plenty of spaces, so she picked one closest to the entrance and hopped out. The front of her stomach tightened, then relaxed. Panic flared for an instant before she remembered having a few contractions before and asking her OB-GYN about it. Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor. Nothing to worry about. The lights inside the ER had been muted for the overnight hours, and a quick sweep of the waiting area didn’t show Seth in any of the chairs or couches.

The check-in desk had two empty seats. Jetta turned around to scan the area again, which held a pair of elderly women huddled together and a younger man with a beard holding a stuffed bear. No Seth or employees.

The automatic doors leading back to what Jetta assumed would be the patient cubicles swished open, and a man in maroon scrubs came out and headed to the desk. “So sorry you had to wait.” He slid into one of the empty chairs. “How can I help you?”

“I’m Emily Ainsley’s daughter, Jetta. I was told my mom was being brought here by ambulance.”

He asked her to spell the last name as he entered it into the computer. “Ah, yes. She requested Seth Whitman to accompany her, but left word to bring you back as soon as you arrived. I’ll need to see your ID, then we can go back.”

She fished out her wallet and showed her driver’s license.

The employee eyed the license. “Thank you, Ms. Ainsley. If you’ll follow me?”

She did so, having to trot to keep up with his longer legs. Once through the automatic doors, she blinked under the brighter lights. Medical personnel bustled about, whisking open curtains to cubicles on either side of the rectangle-sized area. The desk clerk stopped midway down the right side. “Knock, knock.”

Without waiting for a reply, he peeled back the curtain. “I have your daughter, Mrs. Ainsley.”

Jetta stepped forward, her gaze fastened on the bed where her mother lay. “Mom!”

Emily held out her arms, and Jetta needed no further invitation. She enfolded her mother in a loose hug, not wanting to hurt her by squeezing too tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Jetta stepped back and glanced across where Seth stood on the other side of the bed. “Thank you.”

He rubbed the back of his neck as it turned pink. “Thank the anonymous caller who tipped Brogan off about where Emily could be found.”

Seth hadn’t told her the details when he’d called, but she could get them later. Right now, she only wanted to hold her mother’s hand and be reassured she was truly okay.

“Here, you sit down.” Seth brought the chair around to the right side of the bed so Jetta could sit.

She touched his arm, unable to get out the words of gratitude filling her heart because of the lump in her throat. He nodded, then smiled at her mother. “I’ll be in the waiting room if you need anything.”

After he left, Jetta stroked her mother’s hand. “I was so worried when you were gone. I couldn’t help thinking this was all my fault. If we hadn’t started poking around after getting that envelope, none of this would have happened.”

“No, my sweet girl.” Emily squeezed her hand. “If anyone is at fault, it’s me. I decided to pursue the truth and opened this particular can of worms.”