Page 61 of Justice Denied

“We don’t have time for your pettiness.” Gene’s voice sounded too close for Mae’s comfort, but she didn’t dare move to check on their proximity to her hiding place. “We have a much bigger problem at hand.”

“Which is what?” Yasmine sounded bored. “Everything’s going according to plan.”

“So you say. The last vote wasn’t even close to passing in favor of the takeover. You promised you had info to make it happen.”

“Be patient. There will be an emergency vote in a few days.”

A phone buzzed. For an instant, Mae was terrified it was hers. But Yasmine answered with a sharp, “I told you not to call me at this number.”

Mae’s heart rate began to slow to normal speed. Maybe they would leave now, and she could take her binder clips and forget she’d ever heard them plotting against her boss. Ryan never remembered her birthday, but he always respected her abilities as his personal assistant. He didn’t deserve to be undermined by the two people who should have his back. Mae would have to do some digging to discover how the siblings would benefit from a takeover.

“I see.” Yasmine’s voice had grown cold and hard. “What have you been up to?”

“What do you mean?”

Even Mae, who could only hear the conversation, could tell Gene knew exactly what his sister was asking from the tone of his voice.

“You’ve always been a terrible liar. I hear you’ve been dabbling in a little kidnapping.”

“Kidnapping? What are you talking about?”

Yasmine cursed so creatively, Mae would have applauded her performance if she’d been able to without giving herself away.

“I’m talking about Emily Ainsley. You had her kidnapped.”

“I did no such thing.”

His sister clearly didn’t believe him. “You panicked after the last vote. I told you I had everything under control. The Ainsley widow wasn’t even close to figuring out who embezzled the money—all the evidence still points to her saint of a dead husband. Your little stunt could cost us everything we’ve worked.”

“You said someone had info about Vie, so I thought maybe she’d uncovered something.”

“I also said I would find out and take care of it,” Yasmine hissed. “Now you’ve simply given me a bigger mess to clean up.”

“She won’t connect anything to me.” Gene’s whine grated on Mae’s nerves.

Mae avoided contact with the second son as much as possible because of his constant attitude of “not my fault” related to everything. If he hadn’t had such competent underlings, the operations part of the company would have collapsed years ago.

“She’s never seen anyone’s face. There’s no need for anyone to get hurt.”

Yasmine must have been considering her brother’s words because she was silent for nearly a minute—the seconds of which Mae ticked off in her head. “If you’re wrong, you will regret it. I haven’t worked this hard to lose over something as stupid as this.”

“I’ll take care of it. The Ainsley woman will never know anything about you or me. I promise.”

Mae expected him to add “or hope to die,” as the childish saying went.

“See that you do.” Yasmine’s heels clicked on the concrete floor. Mae breathed a sigh of relief as the door opened and closed.

Then she heard Gene’s voice again. Drat, he must have not followed his sister out and was making a phone call. She’d have to stay hidden a while longer.

“It’s me.”

She strained to hear his side of the conversation as he spoke softer.

“Have you gotten anything from her?”

He shuffled back and forth.

“No, if she hasn’t talked now, she doesn’t know anything about Vie.”