“Now I’m really depressed.” Jetta laid a hand over her stomach, where her baby had settled down. “But still determined to figure this out.”
“You say you’ve spoken with someone from FinCEN?”
“Seth did, but he hasn’t heard back yet.” Jetta made a mental note to follow up with Seth about his contact. Probably too soon for her to have gotten any information about the original investigation, but it wouldn’t hurt to check.
“This Warner fellow—he provided you with copies of invoices?” Agent Keen made notes on her tablet.
“Yes, and that’s how Seth found Dolores Green.” Jetta shuddered as memories of the shooting a few short hours ago flooded her mind. Maybe she shouldn’t have encouraged Seth to continue the investigation rather than come here. She would give anything to have his presence beside her now.
As if her thoughts had conjured him, Seth stepped into the room, holding a plastic takeout bag in one hand. “Hey, Jetta. I brought some food.”
Without thinking, she pushed out of her chair and threw herself onto his chest. His arms came around her, the bag bumping into her back. Being supported in his embrace released the torrent of tears that she had been blinking back ever since she learned her mother had been kidnapped.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here.” Seth’s whispered nothings triggered more tears. He rocked her in his arms as she let all her fears and worries flow out as she sobbed.
Her anguish spent, she raised her head to meet his gaze.
“Better?” He made no move to loosen his hold, for which she was grateful. She didn’t think she would be able to support her weight on her own quite yet.
“I think so.” She rested her forehead on his chest again, concentrating on her breathing to regain control of her emotions. Mom had been right—being pregnant did mean you wore your emotions close to the surface. Jetta had never been much of a crier, but she’d shed more tears over the past few months than she had in years. While she longed to stay within his arms for a while longer, she also wanted him to meet the FBI agent. Reluctantly, she placed her hands on his front and applied slight pressure to break his embrace.
Immediately, he dropped his arms, but he didn’t move away, as if unsure she would be steady enough on her feet.
“I’ll be okay.” She offered him a quick smile, then made her way back to the recliner.
The FBI agent looked up from her phone. “I take it this is Seth Whitman.”
“Yes.” Jetta willed the blush threatening to stain her cheeks to recede. She had nothing to be embarrassed about—her mother had been kidnapped, for goodness sake. She was entitled to comfort from a friend. And if that friend happened to be male and handsome, well, that was just a bonus, right?
Seth put the bag on the bedside table, then offered his hand to the agent. “Nice to meet you.”
Agent Keen introduced herself but didn’t show him her badge. “Ms. Ainsley was telling me what you had discovered.”
“May I see your credentials first, please?” Seth’s question startled Jetta, but she supposed it was a natural question, given how easily her mother had been snatched.
The woman handed him her badge folder. Seth examined it but didn’t return it. “What office do you work out of?”
“I’m going to verify you are who you say you are.” Without asking permission, he tapped on his phone, then lifted it to his ear.
“I’m sorry about this,” Jetta said in a soft voice to the agent.
“I understand his wanting to make sure I’m the real thing.” The agent appeared relaxed as she leaned back in her chair.
“Hello?” Seth moved to the other side of the room and turned his back on the two women.
Jetta couldn’t hear his side of the conversation, but the agent prompted her to continue telling what they’d learned so far about the embezzlement.
“I’ll wait for Seth, since he’ll have info to add.” Jetta crossed her arms over her stomach as an uncomfortable vibe settled over the room.
Seth whirled around and held the phone up toward the woman, the flash indicating he’d taken a photo. The woman frowned, then rose. Jetta thought she would ask for her creds back from Seth. Instead, she headed for the door.
In an instant, Seth had blocked her exit. “You’re not going anywhere.”
The woman knocked the phone out of Seth’s arm, but he blocked her next blow. Jetta couldn’t keep up with the flurry of movement as they grappled together. She prayed for Seth to get the upper hand because it had become apparent the woman wasn’t an FBI agent after all. Then Seth whipped the woman’s right arm behind her and pinned her to the wall. She snarled but he held firm, using his body weight to subdue her.
“Jetta, get a police officer in here now.”