Gene opened his mouth, but Ryan cut him off before he could muddy the waters. “That’s an excellent idea. Set it up for this week if you can.”
“Will do.” She made a notation on her tablet, then stood. “I’ve got an appointment, so if you’ll excuse me…”
“Who is he this time?” Gene’s casual question stopped their sister halfway across the room.
She spun around, fire dancing in her eyes. “If you must know, dear brother, it’s with my gynecologist, a follow up appointment to discuss the results of the biopsy I had a few weeks ago.”
Her news pulled Ryan to his feet. For all their arguments, the three of them were a tight-knit bunch. “Are you okay?”
“Why didn’t you say something?” Gene also popped to his feet.
She waved them off. “It’s a small mass on my left ovary. It’s not cancer, but we need to discuss whether or not it should be removed.” She offered a saucy grin. “I didn’t tell you two because I knew there would be an opportunity to spring it on you and wanted to enjoy your reactions when you found out. It was so worth it.”
When the door closed behind her, Gene gathered his notebook, preferring paper and pen to technology for meetings. “She’ll be the death of me.”
Ryan leaned against his desk. “Me too.”
“How’s Dad doing?”
“I think the close vote shook him.” Ryan winced at the memory of Peter’s fury and his caustic words about how his children were ruining Topher Robotics. “But we’re very close to announcing the new wearable AI device.”
“The sooner the better,” Gene said. “Some of the shareholders who voted with us only did so because of loyalty to Dad. They’ll jump ship if we can’t prove we’re growing the company as fast as they’d like.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it under control.” Ryan returned to his desk as Gene exited his office. He would do whatever it took to ensure the company his father built stayed in the family’s hands. While his father railed about preserving his legacy, Ryan had more practical matters to think about if Maxwell Technology succeeded in its bid for control. For one thing, he didn’t care for another company to take credit for the technology his team was developing. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure their books could withstand close scrutiny such a takeover would unleash. No, much better to use this reporter to burnish the reputation of Topher Robotics. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time he manipulated the press to make a potential problem disappear.
Seth uploaded the photos from the early afternoon assignment, then stretched his arms over his head. He had planned to hit the gym after his morning run, but the intruder had derailed that plan. Now he probably wouldn’t make it there today because he wanted to use his spare time tackling his half of the invoices. At least his quick conversation with Fallon had resulted in the green light for Brogan to write something about Topher Robotics and the hostile takeover bid. The paper’s editor said they’d need more evidence before a full investigation into the embezzlement would be prudent.
A tap on the outside of his cubicle preceded Brogan poking his head around. “Pencil in Friday at ten a.m.”
Seth pulled up his calendar to scan Friday—wide open in the morning. “Where we going?”
“Topher Robotics to interview Ryan Topher.” Brogan’s grin widened. “Yep, the top man himself.”
“How’d you score that?” Seth entered the info to block off the time on his calendar.
“I might have let them believe it would be a puff piece on the company and Ryan.” Brogan raised his eyes to the ceiling as if trying to project his innocence. “I convinced Yasmine Topher, the youngest sibling and the company’s COO, I had no ill intentions during a phone screener.”
“I’m impressed, as from what I’ve read about her, she’s a tough cookie.” Seth rested back against the chair. “But I guess with the takeover still a possibility, they need some positive publicity touting Ryan’s excellent leadership.”
“Exactly. We’ll make a bona fide reporter out of you yet.” Brogan winked at him. “Said I would be bringing a photographer, and they were extremely happy to hear that.”
“I bet they were.” Seth evaluated his colleague. “What’s your plan of attack for the questions? I assume you’ll be asking about Jay Ainsley and the embezzlement charges.”
“We’ll have a tour of the research facility first with Ms. Topher, then sit down with Ryan in his office. I’ll cover all the softball questions while you take photos, then slip in some he won’t be expecting.”
“What’s Fallon’s take on your strategy?”
Brogan responded with a thumbs up. “Gotta run. Have an interview with the fire chief about the what caused the fire at the construction site.”
Seth finished captioning the photos and sent them to Fallon, then he decided a trip to the gym would help him more than puzzling over the invoices. Ten minutes later, he set the pin low on the bench press and settled in for twenty reps. Sweat beaded his forehead as he considered how best to tackle the invoices. Google the company names, then crosscheck with the online yellow pages. Some invoices had numbers he could call for more information, but he’d need a cover story first. While lying used to be a large part of his past, since he became a Christian, telling even the slightest untruths didn’t sit well with him.
Moving onto a machine to work his shoulders, he reviewed and discarded scenarios as he completed several sets of fifteen reps. As he made his way around the circuit of machines, he kept puzzling over the best—and most honest—approach, to no avail.
“Hey, Seth. Don’t often see you here at this time of day.” Clancy joined him as Seth wiped down the final machine in the circuit.
“Been too busy to come after work, so thought I’d fit one in now.” He moped his face with another towel.