His question diffused some of her growing anxiety as she contemplated the answer. While she had only learned of the accusations, the unfairness of it pulsated throughout her body. The thought someone had gotten away with it all these years, had stressed her father into having a heart attack, made her angry. Despite her fear for her mother’s safety and the reminders of Kyle’s assault the morning’s attack had brought on, she did not want to stop. If she did, that meant the embezzler won again.
“No, I don’t.”
Her response brought a smile to his face. She grinned back, glad to have something to smile about after her terrifying morning. Impulsively, she touched his hand. “I’m glad you’re investigating with me. I wouldn’t be able to do this alone.”
He turned his hand over and intertwined his fingers with hers. She should pull back, lest he think she liked him more than a friend, but she couldn’t. Not when the feel of his hand gave her such comfort and, if she were being honest, a little thrill. Seth, with all of his obvious strength, never pushed her to accept more than she wanted to receive. To avoid making the same mistake meant she was wearing blinders when it came to Seth. His actions to her mother and to her these past months showed a caring Kyle had never possessed. If only she could convince herself Seth wouldn’t change like Kyle had.
“I’m glad to be of service.” He squeezed her fingers. “I should tell you where I was last night.”
She cocked her head, not sure where this was going. “Where were you?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I, um, spent the night in your mom’s room.”
“What?” She hadn’t been expecting that revelation.
“In a chair, or rather the floor.” He fumbled to explain. “I was worried about her safety, and I knew you were beat, so I thought…”
Gratitude for his thoughtfulness filled her entire being. “So you went over there to keep an eye on her.”
“Yes, and I’m glad I did because the officer assigned to keep watch left to respond to a massive traffic accident.”
“Thank you.” The words seemed inadequate, and she leaned across the table and brushed her lips against his cheek. “You’re one in a million, Seth Whitman.”
A blush stole up his neck and across his cheeks. A man who blushed yet made her feel safer than anyone she’d ever met might be a keeper, as her grandmother used to say. Time would tell whether he would be willing to raise another man’s child, if she decided to keep the baby.
Seth refrained from touching his cheek where the impression of Jetta’s lips remained. He told himself to not get his hopes up that her feelings were warming toward him. An incoming text was the distraction he needed. “I’d better get this, as it might be work.”
She stood. “I’ll clear.”
Seth checked the incoming text from Brogan.
Hope you don’t mind, but I mentioned your quest to Fallon since Topher Robotics is in the news with rumors of a hostile takeover.
Seth furrowed his brow. His colleague had been adamant about not being interested in clearing Ainsley’s name, but having the veteran investigative reporter’s assistance would provide invaluable guidance.
What did he say?
He’s intrigued, wants a full report on what you’re doing and what happened 15years ago. Stop by his office when you’re in.
If Fallon assigned a story to Brogan, it might give the investigation the juice it needed to progress at a faster clip. While he was texting Brogan, Seth decided to see if Brogan’s girlfriend was available, as he could see the mess the intruder and the crime scene techs left behind.
Hey, is Melender up or sleeping?
Up. She’s off for the next few days. Why?
Someone broke into the Ainsley home this morning and messed some stuff up. She’s okay, but the intruder got away. Jetta could use some help cleaning up.
I’ll ask her to text you if she’s free.
Brogan sent a winking face emoji, which Seth ignored by replying only with a thumbs up emoji. Jetta had taken Bingley out to the backyard, so Seth finished his unsweetened iced tea while he waited for Brogan to get back to him. His phone dinged with a text from Brogan saying Melender would be on her way in fifteen minutes. He sent another thumbs up emoji.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I asked Brogan’s girlfriend, Melender, to help get the house cleaned up,” he told Jetta when she and Bingley returned to the kitchen. “She works for Squeaky Clean, so she’s really good.”
Jetta frowned. “I suppose Mom can pay for the help, but I wish you would have asked before hiring someone.”
Seth realized his mistake. “Oh, I should have explained. She’s not coming as an employee of Squeaky Clean but as a friend.”