Another glance out of the living room window showed Jetta emerging from her house with a leashed Bingley. He quickly pulled open his front door and jogged down the sidewalk. Bingley barked at his appearance, drawing his owner’s attention in the early morning light. Seth had been prepared to wait at least another hour before Jetta left her house, as seven was early for her.
“Seth, hi.” She tugged Bingley to a halt a few feet from him under a still-lit street light. Dark smudges under her eyes attested to her own restless night. “I didn’t expect to run into you.”
Bingley leaped about him as if the dog hadn’t seen Seth for days instead of mere hours. He focused on the dog instead of responding to her question. “Hey, boy. How are you?” He knelt to allow the dog to slobber kisses on him as he petted Bingley.
“You’re going for a run?”
He straightened. “Yes.”
She thrust the leash toward him. “Mind taking Bingley along with you?”
“Happy to.” He accepted the leash. “I’ll be about half an hour.”
“Sounds good.” She trudged back to her house.
He waited until she entered, then said to the dog, “Guess we’re going for a run.”
Bingley barked his agreement, and Seth started down the sidewalk, mentally mapping out a shorter route. He didn’t want to overly exert the dog, since Bingley was used to more leisurely walks with Jetta. As he jogged, the dog panting beside him, he prayed again for Jetta. Something was weighing her down, and he suspected it was more mental than physical.
Sweat dripped down his face as he rounded the corner to his block. He slowed his steps to catch his breath, not wanting to show up on Jetta’s doorstep breathing hard. When he came to his house, he decided to take Bingley inside for a water break before letting Jetta know they’d returned. “Come on, boy. Let’s get a little cleaned up before we see her, yeah?”
The dog simply panted as Seth led him up the walkway and into his house. He found a bowl suitable for water and filled it from the tap for Bingley. Then he drank a glass of water himself while the dog lapped from the bowl. Seth used one of his workout towels to mop the sweat from his face.
The dog lifted his head and woofed as if replying yes. Seth grabbed the leash and headed next door. As they crossed Jetta’s driveway, Bingley growled, low and menacing, the sound raising the hairs on the back of Seth’s neck. The dog lunged toward the house, jerking the leash from Seth’s hand. “Bingley!” He darted after the canine, registering the open front door as he followed the dog inside.
Something wasn’t right.
Bingley raced upstairs, Seth several steps behind. The dog moved as if propelled by a cannon. Bingley disappeared through an open door at the end of the hallway into the primary bedroom. A cry, then a crash had Seth putting on a burst of speed into the room.
Bingley had a man wearing ballcap and a facemask cornered. The dog bared his teeth as he growled and barked at the intruder. Seth swept the room but found no sign of Jetta.
“Where is she?” He approached the man, who had a knife in his hand.
“If you don’t want this dog dead, call him off.” The cold tone informed Seth the man was serious.
“Where is she?” He repeated the question, standing with the bed between him and the intruder.
“Dog. Now.” The man brandished his weapon with the easy confidence of one who knew how to use it.
“Bingley, come.” Seth had no idea if the dog would obey or not.
The dog growled again, his head low and his teeth still bared.
Seth sharpened his tone. “Bingley, no. Come.” He decided to add what might make the dog obey. “Find Jetta.”
With one final growl, the dog whirled and dashed from the room, leaving the two men eyeing each other.
“What now?” Seth hadn’t moved from his place across the bed.
“Now I’m going to deliver the message.” The other man’s grin upped Seth’s heart rate considerably. This was no ordinary bulgar. This was a professional, one who enjoyed striking fear into his victims.
Seth crossed his arms, his biceps rippling. Might as well see if using his considerable muscle would intimidate the other man or merely make him mad.
Neither, as it turned out. “Tell your girlfriend and her mother to stop meddling.”
“Meddling in what, exactly?” Seth figured he knew, but clarifying would give Jetta time to call the cops if she hadn’t already.