Page 32 of Justice Denied

Seth’s hand at the small of her back as they walked down the hallway warmed her, easing some of her tension. The pleasant room with a large bay window overlooked the backyard, which at first glance resembled an overgrown jungle. Jetta drifted to the window for a better view. Closer inspection revealed order with enclosed beds holding wildflowers gradually going to seed while stone walkways intertwined among them. Mature trees dotted the landscape, with neatly trimmed bushes serving as boundary markers along the edges.

“You like it?” The man joined her. “I spent the first six months of my retirement redoing the bland grassy expanse into something more interesting.”

“I do.” She smiled. “It’s messy but organized.”

He laughed. “That’s exactly it. Most people simply see the overgrowth and assume I’ve let it go to pot.”

“You’ve created something for the pollinators and other insects and animals, not necessarily for humans.”

The man clapped Seth on the back after his observation. “Another insight many do not get. Frank Warner.”

“Seth Whitman,” he said, then touched Jetta’s arm. “This is Jetta Ainsley. Her father was Jay Ainsley.”

Mr. Warner sobered. “I’m so sorry about your father, Ms. Ainsley.”

“Thank you, and please, call me Jetta.” She turned away from the window. “We appreciate you talking about the case with us.”

After asking if they’d like a beverage, which they declined, Mr. Warner said, “Let’s have a seat.” He chose a leather club chair while Jetta plopped down on the loveseat, Seth beside her.

His thigh pressed lightly against hers, then he shifted his away. She refrained from scooting closer to him, missing the feeling of safety.

“What would you like to know?”

She spread her hands out. “Anything. Everything. I recently learned of the embezzlement charges, so I only know what I read in the news.”

Mr. Warner steepled his fingers. “My office never officially launched an investigation into the embezzlement at Topher Robotics.”

Seth frowned. “I thought FinCEN was the source for the Fairfax County Police Department’s probe.”

“No, Fairfax came to us with the evidence against Ainsley.”

Jetta digested that bit of news. “Why would they come to FinCEN?”

“At the time, they didn’t have the resources to launch a deeper investigation into Topher Robotics and were hoping we would.”

“So the cops suspected the embezzlement was the tip of the iceberg,” Seth said.

Mr. Warner nodded. “In cases involving this much money, that’s usually correct. However, when Ainsley died, the investigation did too.”

“You never looked into the company’s finances?” Jetta curbed her frustration. She’d been hoping for answers, not more questions.

“Not officially.”

She picked up on Mr. Warner’s word choice. “But unofficially?”

“I didn’t like the way the Topher family went after your father so viciously in the press. Your mother should have sued them for slander, since your father was charged but not convicted of embezzlement. But with the case essentially closed, my hands were tied.” Mr. Warner sighed. “I’ve known Peter Topher for years. At the time of your father’s death, he was transferring more power to his three children. His wife had been pushing him to retire so they could travel more.”

Seth leaned back, slipping his arm along the back of the loveseat behind her. Jetta gave into temptation and rested her back against the cushions, shifting toward him a little and hoping he’d wrap his arm around her shoulders. He didn’t but he also didn’t move his arm.

“Peter came to me a couple of weeks after Ainsley died, asking if I would take a look at the company books—strictly off the record and without his kids’ knowledge.”

When Mr. Warner stayed quiet, Seth prompted, “Did you?”

“I did. As I said, Peter was an old friend.” Mr. Warner again didn’t continue for several seconds. Then he stood. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

After Mr. Warner left, Jetta swiveled to face Seth. “Where do you suppose he’s going?”

“To get his copy of the books.”