Page 31 of Justice Denied

“Jetta, come here. It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Emily coaxed her daughter into her arms. Jetta flew into them, rocking Emily back onto the bed. Pain flashed along her leg in its cast, but Emily ignored it. Her daughter needed her. What was a little pain in light of the burden Jetta had been carrying for months?

After Jetta’s tears subsided, she sat up on the side of the bed. “I reported him, Mom. I almost didn’t because he said no one would believe it hadn’t been consensual and that he had friends in high places. And he did. He knew the mayor personally and other Chicago bigwigs. But I decided that even if no one believed me, I would tell the truth. So I did.”

“Did they believe you?” Emily brushed a strand of hair from her damp cheek.

“Yes, they did.” Jetta’s mouth turned down into a grimace. “Mostly because of the physical evidence.”

Emily again praised God for the support Jetta had gotten when reporting the heinous crime. “You’ll need to go back to Chicago for a trial?”

“No. Kyle somehow finagled a deal with the prosecutor’s office for twelve months’ probation and rehab, claiming he’d been high on drugs when he’d come to my apartment. He also insisted I’d given him a key. Since the key was my word against his, it weakened my case. I did get the prosecutor to add a restraining order forbidding Kyle from contacting me in any way.”

Jetta blotted her face with a tissue from the bedside table. “I couldn’t stay in the same city with him. That’s why I quit my job, sublet my apartment, and moved back home.” Fresh tears spilled out. “I don’t know what to do.”

Emily enfolded her into her arms again. “We’ll figure it out with God’s help. Don’t worry.” She hadn’t always been one to point her children to God. Her anger over Jay’s death and the unresolved charges against him, plus the way many members of their church had shunned her in the aftermath, had lingered for years. But recently, she’d realized her mistake in pushing God away when she should have been clinging closer and had reconnected with her Savior at a new church home.

After her daughter’s tears lessened, Jetta laid her head on Emily’s shoulder. “Would you pray for me?”

“Of course.” Emily brought all their concerns before their Heavenly Father, praying for wisdom and peace. When Emily said “Amen,” Jetta stood beside the bed, her hand holding Emily’s.

“Thanks, Mom. I feel better. I didn’t know how to tell you. Even though I knew it wasn’t my fault, somehow it felt like it was since I’d gone out with Kyle for nearly a year.”

Emily squeezed her hand. “It wasn’t.”

“I know that in my head, but my heart is another matter.” She gave a watery smile. “I’m terrified Kyle will find out about the baby, and I don’t even know if I should keep it or give it up for adoption. What if he wants some sort of custody?”

“Those are all questions we’ll figure out together,” Emily reminded her.

“Okay.” She sniffed, then blew her nose. Her phone buzzed and she checked it. “It’s Seth.”

“He’s a fine young man.” Emily had been impressed with her young neighbor and his willingness to help her out at times. “I think he likes you.”

A faint flush stole up her daughter’s cheeks. “It wouldn’t matter if he did, not with the baby. Plus, I thought I could trust Kyle and look how that turned out.”

“Seth doesn’t strike me as a man who would hold your circumstance against you in any way.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” Jetta pocketed the phone. “But I’m not ready to think about dating anyone right now. To completely change the subject, he’s found someone to talk to about the embezzlement, so I need to go meet him.” She hugged Emily. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” As her daughter left with promises to let her know how the meeting went, Emily once again approached the throne of God with her petitions for Jetta’s safety, for the health of her newest grandchild, and for resolution in the years-old mystery of who embezzled millions and blamed her husband. For good measure, she threw in a prayer that Jetta and Seth would find happiness together, for her mother’s intuition told her the two would be good for each other.


Jetta parked behind Seth’s car, her emotions more tangled than a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Mom’s words about Seth being a kind man repeated in her mind. Her heart thumped a little bit faster as he waited for her on the sidewalk. Something about this big man with his peaceful spirit drew her to him. The desire to know more of who he was pulsated through her veins. While her mind screamed caution, given her colossal mistake with Kyle, her heart kept nudging her to let Seth into her life.

“How’s your mom?” He motioned for her to proceed him up the walkway.

“Still a bit shaken but okay. Detective Brady will send an officer to sit outside her room at night for at least a few days.” She sighed, worry for her mother’s safety nibbling at her frayed nerves. “Apparently, the person avoided the security cameras and wore gloves, so there’s not much evidence to figure out their identity. Mom thinks it was a man, but she can’t be a hundred percent certain.”

“I’m happy to keep watch overnight too.” He flashed her a soft smile, one that made his chocolate brown eyes sparkle.

She placed a hand on her suddenly racing heart. Why had she never noticed how expressive his eyes were with their impossibly long lashes? He seemed to expect a reply, but she couldn’t remember what he’d said. She drew in a deep breath to give herself time to recall. Right. He’d offered to keep an eye on Mom at night. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good.” He found the camera doorbell and rang it. When a strong male voice requested their identities, he replied with their names.

“Ah, right on time. Come on in.”

The door lock disengaged with an audible click, and Seth pushed it open, then stepped back to allow Jetta to pass through first. As she moved past him, the scent of cedar mixed with a light soap wafted over her, igniting an urge to bury her face on his broad chest and cling to his strong arms. What was wrong with her? She shouldn’t want to fling herself into another man’s embrace given her pregnant state.

A tall, silver-haired man came into view from a doorway a little way down the hall, interrupting her thoughts. “This way, please.”