Page 21 of Justice Denied

“How thoughtful, thank you.” She stepped back to allow him to enter before closing the door and flipping the deadbolt, a habit she’d acquired since Chicago.

He sniffed, an appreciative look crossing his face. “It smells delicious. Is that butternut squash I detect along with the chicken?”

“Good nose—you’re right.” She led the way down the short hallway to the kitchen at the back of the house to where the pan with the chicken, squash, and kale rested on a hot pad. “I hope you also like kale.”

“I do.” He set the plate on the counter. “I make a mean kale smoothie.”

“Kale smoothie?” She carried the pan to the table tucked into what her mother had optimistically called a breakfast nook. “I’ll have to try that one day.”

“I’m happy to make you one the next time I have one myself.” Bingley nudged Seth’s leg, drawing his attention. “Hey, there.” Seth tousled the dog’s ears, then scratched behind them. The dog leaned into him, tongue lolling in canine bliss.

“You keep that up, and he’s yours for life.” Jetta filled a glass with sparkling water from her Soda Stream bottle, then asked Seth what he’d like to drink.

“What you’re having sounds good.” He gave Bingley another pat on the head, then gently moved the dog out of the way to wash his hands in the sink.

She set his glass on the table, then jumped when he reached around her to pull out her chair. “Sorry, I’m not used to the royal treatment.”

He pushed in her chair, then took a seat across from her. “My grandfather drilled into me to treat women with respect.”

“Oh.” She wanted to ask more about his grandfather, but that might give Seth the wrong idea about this dinner, so she reached for the serving spoon to fill his plate.

“Do you mind if I say grace first?”

“You’re a Christian?” In all their interactions over these past months, they had never discussed faith.

He met her gaze, his brown eyes steady on hers. “Yes, I accepted Jesus in college.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “Me too.” Maybe that was why she felt so drawn to Seth—she subconsciously sensed his love of Christ. “Please say the blessing.”

He reached for her hand, and she slipped hers inside his larger one. Instead of feeling uneasy about his strength like she had with Kyle, holding hands with Seth made her feel safe and secure, like a cherished family heirloom.

“Dear Jesus, please bless our food and our conversation. In your name, amen.” He squeezed her hand gently before releasing it. “I can’t wait to try this. It looks and smells amazing.”

She served him two chicken thighs and a big spoonful of veggies. “It’s a pretty simple recipe, but I like the way the chicken juices flavor the squash and kale.”

He waited until she had food on her plate before picking up his fork for a bite. “Delicious,” he concluded after finishing his first bite. “Would you mind sharing about your faith?”

While they ate, Jetta recapped her own journey to Christ, then asked Seth about his own.

“I attended George Mason University in Fairfax, and one day, in the student union, a church was handing out free Bibles. I took one and started reading Genesis.” Seth neatly cut his chicken off the bone while he spoke. “I couldn’t stop, and by the time I got to the Gospels, I knew I wanted to leave my old life behind and become a new person.”

“God indeed changes us, doesn’t he?” She chewed and swallowed a bite of chicken. “I was raised in church but didn’t really think about my own faith until moving back here.”

“I’d prayed to God as a child, so perhaps the faith of our youth really doesn’t leave us.”

“That’s a good way to look at it.” She sighed. “I feel like my faith would be stronger if I hadn’t let it wither for so many years.”

“Maybe, but didn’t Jesus say even a mustard seed of faith was enough?”

His reminder eased her anxiety. “Where do you go to church?”

“Covenant Community Church. It meets at the Falls Church High School. It’s a Presbyterian Church of America church plant from McLean Presbyterian Church.”

“Maybe I’ll check that out one Sunday. I haven’t found a local place to worship yet. Back in Chicago, I attended a nondenominational congregation.” She stacked their plates, then rose. “Would you like any decaf coffee or tea with our dessert?”

“I’ll stick with water, as I haven’t had enough today.” He carried the baking dish with the leftovers to the island. “If you’ll direct me to your containers, I’ll pack this up.”

She started to object he didn’t have to help, then shrugged. She pointed to the appropriate cabinet and turned her attention to loading the dishwasher. Within minutes, the dishes had been done and they’d decided to have their dessert on the back patio, keeping Bingley safely locked inside.