“Yeah, right?” She reached down to scratch Bingley’s head between his ears. “The first I hear about Dad’s past is when this mysterious—and anonymous—package shows up saying he’s innocent. But that’s not even the really strange part.”
Seth raised his eyebrows. “It’s not?”
“The postmark is from fifteen years ago.”
“How could that happen?”
“Who knows? The mail service can be erratic, but losing a package for more than a decade seems extreme. So of course, I Googled ‘lost mail’ and saw a news article about a letter that finally made it to the recipient a decade after it had been mailed. A US Post Office official said in the article that sometimes mail gets jammed behind the automatic sorting machines and isn’t discovered until the piece is moved for cleaning or repairs.”
“Weird.” A piece of information related to lost mail pushed to the front of his memory. “I think I read somewhere about a letter delivered in England more than a hundred years after it had been mailed, plus another letter in the US that had been lost since World War II.”
“Makes me grateful this one made it to us sooner than that.”
“What was in the envelope?” Seth figured he could ask since she’d been so open with him about the situation.
“Spreadsheets and bank statements.” Bingley nudged into Jetta, the movement drawing her attention to the animal. “Oh, right. I should feed you.” She patted the dog’s head. “The thing is, my mom said she’s determined to find out the truth behind the accusations, and I want to help.”
She bit her lower lip. “I’m not sure where to start, but maybe you could help?”
“I’d be happy to.” His heart thudded at the thought of spending more time with Jetta. He sternly told himself it was because she needed his assistance, not that she wanted an excuse to be with him. Besides, she basically indicated she wasn’t ready for another relationship.
“You would?” The smile blossoming across her face stole his breath.
He should have said no, palmed her off on Brogan. His heart would not be safe if she kept looking at him with those big blue eyes and smiling so broadly. His phone buzzed again.
“You need to get back to work, but why don’t you come over for dinner and I can show you the papers?”
Seth agreed before he could think better of it. “Sure. What time?”
“How about around six?”
“I’ll be there. Can I bring anything?”
“I think I’ve got it covered, but thanks.” She snapped a lead on Bingley’s collar. “I appreciate your help with my dog and coming out to the accident scene. I’d been feeling overwhelmed lately and praying about cleaning out the house, my mom, and … things.”
He didn’t miss the hesitation between the last two words, wondering if her swearing off men had anything to do with the “things” that had been overwhelming her.
“You’ve been an answer to prayer.”
Her words jolted him to the core. Of all the things he expected her to say, that hadn’t even occurred to him. He’d never been anyone’s answer to prayer, and he liked hearing her say so. She seemed to be expecting a response, so he said, “I’m honored you would consider me so.”
His statement brought another dazzling smile to her lips. She tugged on Bingley’s leash. “Well, then. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“See you.” He walked her through the side gate, then headed to his own front door while she and the dog went inside her house. He had to sort through the fire photos and check in with Brogan. Perhaps he’d even have time to a little research into who Jay Ainsley was.
He hesitated before calling Brogan as he reviewed the series of events over the past twenty-four hours. Jetta might not see them as connected, but to his mind, a very clear pattern was emerging. Someone was targeting Jetta—and it was his job to make sure she stayed safe.
Jetta pulled the roasted chicken thighs with butternut squash and kale from the oven, the familiar scent of rosemary filling her nostrils. Kyle had refused to eat anything with kale—or nearly any other veggie—so she’d adjusted her cooking to accommodate his needs. Now that she no longer had to consider his opinion, she’d been making all her favorite recipes with the green leafy veggie, including the knock-off version of Olive Garden’s Zuppa soup.
With his rippling muscles, Seth struck her as someone who ate his veggies, so she’d decided to make the chicken and autumn squash recipe. She surveyed the kitchen table, set with Mom’s floral everyday china. She’d been tempted to pull out her parents’ wedding plates but decided that would be overkill on their first date. Her hand flew to her mouth as the thought settled like a falling souffle. Would Seth consider this dinner one?
No, of course not. Besides, she was in no condition to think of any man that way. A man as handsome as Seth must have plenty of opportunities to date, and despite his blushes around her, he would recognize her invitation as one extended to say thank you for his assistance with Bingley. That was all. Nothing more. She would make it clear she needed his expertise as a journalist, not as a potential mate.
The doorbell rang, sending Bingley, who’d been snoozing in his dog bed right outside the kitchen, into a frenzy of barking. Butterflies in her stomach joined him as she hurried to open the door.
Seth stood on the porch, a plate covered in foil in his hands. “I brought brownies for dessert.”