“Then what’s the problem?” Ryan pointedly glanced at his phone, letting Frederick know his time was running out.
“Natasha’s pregnant.”
Ryan had to hand it to his son—he hadn’t been expecting that bombshell.
“Won’t you talk to Cynthia, get her to see how damaging it would be to the family for her to leave?”
The whine in Frederick’s voice grated on Ryan’s nerves. It was past time for his son to live with the consequences of his actions. “No.”
“Getting your mistress pregnant is something no wife should have to tolerate.” Ryan stared straight into his eldest son’s eyes, which begged to make his problems disappear. He firmed his lips, tired of always bailing out one of his three children. If only his wife had been more supportive of his decisions related to raising their brood when the kids were younger, he wouldn’t be having this conversation now when he needed to focus on saving the company. “If Cynthia has decided this is the final straw, I will not intervene.”
“She’ll clean me out!” Anger laced Frederick’s words. “Plus I’ll have to pay Natasha child support. She’s already told me she’s keeping the baby.”
Ryan refrained from rolling his eyes at the expectation he would once again step in and untangle the trouble Frederick had made. “Of course she is—that’s her ticket to at least eighteen years of monthly payments from you.” He pointed to the door. “You made the mess, you sort it out. I have a board meeting to prepare for.”
Frederick stormed toward the door, yanking it open. “I can’t believe you’ll let her destroy my family.”
“You did that all on your own.” Ryan turned away, his attention on how to calm the jittery board members. He barely noticed his son’s departure as he focused on the spreadsheets showing rising profits and a rosy outlook for the rest of the fiscal year. The numbers should be enough of a distraction from any takeover rumors. His desk phone buzzed. The temptation to ignore it warred with the knowledge Mae Stanhope, his long-time assistant, knew not to bother him with unimportant matters during his board prep time.
He snatched up the receiver. “Yes?”
“Mr. Topher, I have Mr. Conner on line two.”
Blake Conner’s timing was as impeccable as always. “Thank you.” Ryan punched in the number. “Blake, good to hear from you.”
“It’s not good.”
His long-time friend’s voice was hushed. Ryan’s stomach clenched. “What does that mean?”
“It means the rumors are true—Maxwell Technology is putting together a hostile takeover bid.”
This could not have come at a worse time, with the board breathing down his neck and the delay of Vie, an AI-powered wearable device. He pinched the bridge of his nose. If he could keep his father from getting wind of this new development, he could find a way out to retain control of the company and bring Vie to market within six months. He had to manage this or his father would come out of retirement to oust him. Ryan had to keep that from happening or he’d lose more than his title at the company. “Thanks for the heads-up.”
“I don’t have to tell you what could happen if this goes through.”
He certainly did not, but his siblings would help him come up with a plan to salvage the company. After talking about getting together for a golf game next week and exchanging goodbyes, Ryan disconnected. As he replaced the receiver, he hoped that would be the end of the bad news coming his way today.
But the phone buzzed as soon as he’d lifted his hand. “Mae, I’m busy—”
“I’m glad to hear it, son.”
His father’s gravelly voice punched him in the gut. “Dad, sorry. I’m prepping for the board meeting, and—”
As usual, his father didn’t give him a chance to finish. Whatever Peter had to say was always more important than anyone else. “Consider this a courtesy call letting you know I’ll be attending.”
“The board meeting?” Ryan blurted the question before he could curb his tongue. His father coming would only complicate an already delicate dance.
“Of course the board meeting. Are you sure you’re up to running things? You seem a little distracted.”
“Frederick just left with the news Cynthia’s leaving him.” Ryan hoped their family drama would distract his father from commenting further on Ryan’s behavior.
“Found out his mistress was pregnant, did she?” Peter chortled. “Guess even Cynthia has her limits.”
“You knew?” Ryan shouldn’t have been surprised. His father had spies everywhere. He made a mental note to sweep his office for bugs again, as Dad wasn’t above using whatever means possible to meddle in the company and his children’s and grandchildren’s lives.
“Stop asking dumb questions and get ready for the board meeting.” His father hung up, leaving Ryan vacillating between amused and annoyed at Peter’s interference.