“He feels hot,” Jillian said.
“Seriously? I don’t need this hassle right now. Oh, man. Snake’s not gonna wait for me.” Jared’s annoyance came through loud and clear. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are,” Jillian sang offkey. “Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.” Jesse’s cries lessened into hiccups as Jillian repeated the song twice more before Jared returned.
“I’m going to give your brother some medicine so he will go to sleep,” Jared said. “Open your mouth, Jesse.”
Sounds of the crib mattress crinkling, coupled with Jesse’s sniffles, a wet cough, then silence. Brogan recalled Melender saying Jesse had a runny nose in her police interview. He made a note to follow up to see what medicine Jared had given his little brother.
“Jilly, stay with him until he’s asleep.”
“I wanna finish the movie,” Jillian whined.
“Later.” Jared’s voice took on a menacing growl. “Right now, play the peek-a-boo game with the bunny.”
“Okay,” Jillian huffed out. “Peek-a-boo, Jesse.”
The recording continued with the sounds of Jillian playing the game with Jesse, who giggled a couple of times. Before long, silence filled the room.
Daisy hit pause. “That’s the first bit from that night.”
Brogan didn’t stop to think. He reached out for Melender and wrapped his arm around her stiff shoulders. It was like hugging a statute, but he didn’t let go.
“So Jared was taking care of Jesse that night.” Livingston kept his gaze on screen.
“According to this audio,” Daisy said, “which hasn’t been authenticated.”
“Don’t worry. This is strictly off the record.” Livingston looked at Brogan. “And remember, you agreed to hold this until I tell you otherwise.”
Brogan nodded his head. He squeezed Melender’s shoulders, then took her hand in his. The iciness of her fingers chilled him, but he rubbed her hand to infuse some of his warmth to her.
“The next time the recorder comes on is forty-five minutes later.” Daisy resumed the audio, which began with a mechanical voice giving the date and time.
“Jesse,” Jared said. “Jesse?” His voice grew more panicked. “Oh, no. Jesse!”
The crib springs creaked, and the mattress rustled, then Jared said, “No, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.”
The recorder’s mechanical voice gave another time stamp five minutes later, followed by Jared’s voice. “Dad, Jesse’s not breathing. Something’s wrong.”
A brief silence, then Jared said, “He was snotty nosed and hot. I gave him some medicine.”
Another pause. “Some cough and cold stuff Ruby had in the kids’ medicine cabinet plus some baby Tylenol.”
“I know how to read a label,” Jared’s voice rose in agitation. “I only gave him the minimum dose.”
A longer pause, then Jared said, “Jilly was playing peek-a-boo to calm him down. Dad.” His voice choked. “I found the blue bunny over Jesse’s face.”
“No!” Melender’s body slumped against Brogan. He cradled her in his arms as she buried her face in his chest, her hands bunching his shirt as her tears dampened it.
“Shut it off,” Livingston snapped, his voice tight.
Melender’s sobs filled the space with an inconsolable ache. Brogan stroked her back, not knowing how to comfort her. Hearing what had actually happened the night Jesse disappeared was heart wrenching. Brogan wasn’t sure what to make of the audio, but one thing was crystal clear. Jared had discovered his younger brother in the crib not breathing. Melender shuddered in his arms, and he pulled her closer.
“Brogan.” Livingston touched his shoulder. “I think perhaps you should take Melender out for some air.”
He nodded and guided Melender out of the room and over to the elevator bank, Livingston at his heels. While they waited for the car, Livingston raked his fingers through his hair. “Daisy said the recording wasn’t graphic. That’s why I didn’t hesitate to ask you two to come along.” The detective furrowed his brow. “Is she going to be okay?”
“I hope so.” Brogan firmed his arm around her waist. “This recording changes everything.”