Page 76 of Justice Delayed

Jared froze. He swallowed hard to regain control over his spiking panic. “That so. I would imagine a lot of people worked on that case. I can’t be expected to remember each and every one.”

Livingston continued as if Jared hadn’t spoken. “Back then, I had pegged you as a lowlife drug user, someone willing to sell out his family for a hit.” He tapped the folder in front of him. “Turns out, I was right.” After flipping open the folder, he picked up a single sheet of paper. “Twenty thousand dollars in cash was found on your former drug dealer.”

In an attempt to appear nonchalant, Jared used his thumbnail to rub at a spot on the metal table. “What’s your point?” The question came out shakier than he would have liked, but he repeated to himself that there was no way they could tie the money to him. He had been extra careful in wiping the bills clean of any fingerprints.

“The point is that we’ve been able to determine the cash came from the ransom for Jesse Thompson,” Livingston said.

“How’d you figure that? It’s been nearly twenty years.” Jared didn’t bother masking the surprise in his voice, figuring it was a natural question someone innocent would ask.

Livingston leaned back in his chair. “Your father cooperated with the Feds on the ransom, which meant the serial numbers of all those twenties were recorded. Then those numbers were uploaded to a national database. Whenever we come across money in the course of our investigations, we run it through one of those bank machines that checks for counterfeit bills and scans the serial numbers.” The detective raised his hands. “Imagine our surprise when the bills matched the Thompson kidnapping case.”

“I still don’t know why you think I had something to do with Snake’s—Williams’—death or Jesse’s disappearance.” Jared tried to project an I’m-innocent-why-are-you-bothering-with-me attitude, but one look at Livingston’s cold eyes told him he wasn’t succeeding.

“You know what I think?” Collier interjected into the silence, but she didn’t wait for Jared to answer. “I think you saw a chance to profit from your little brother’s disappearance and engineered the ransom note and drop. You had expensive habits and a father who was fast losing patience with your debts.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jared crossed his arms, not caring if it made him appear uncooperative.

“It must have been quite a blow when you realized you couldn’t spend a dime of the money,” she continued. “So you had to hide it. Then Melender was arrested and convicted. Must have been a huge relief to you that the search for the ransom money was over.”

“It was.” For the very reason Collier had said, but he quickly added, “After all, she killed Jesse.”

“But you were the one who sent the ransom note.” Livingston picked up the interrogation. “And you were the one who planted the money on Williams.”

Jared shook his head. “You guys are barking up the wrong tree.”

“Three witnesses picked your photo out of a lineup as talking with Williams the night he was killed,” Collier said.

“I wasn’t there,” Jared repeated, unable to stop his leg from jiggling up and down under the table.

Livingston opened a folder but shielded Jared’s view of the contents with his clasped hands. “It’s time you stopped lying about what happened that night and tell us the truth.”

“I’m telling you the truth. I had nothing to do with the murder!” Panic clawed at Jared’s throat as he glanced from one to the other.

“And I believe you. We know you didn’t kill Williams.” Livingston’s words should have soothed Jared, but instead, they only heightened his sense of impending doom. The detective extracted a stack of photos from the folder. “But, as we said before, we’re not asking you about the murder. We’re asking you about the money. We were hoping you would come clean, but since you refuse to do so, well, see for yourself.”

He slid one picture across to Jared. “This is you meeting with Williams.”

Even in the dim shadows of the trees, Jared easily recognized himself and Snake.

Livingston handed over another photograph. “This is you handing Williams the stack of money.”

Jared didn’t care that his hands shook as the detective added four more photos to the pile, each one clearly showing Jared talking with Snake. For a long moment after receiving the final photo, Jared stared at the table, the pictures spread out before him. Then he straightened and met Livingston’s gaze. “I want a lawyer.”


“Consuela, I’m heading out,” Ruby said to the housekeeper, who was arranging a vase of fresh-cut flowers in the foyer. Meeting with nosey friends for a weekly lunch of salad and gossip wasn’t at the top of Ruby’s things to do list, but she also didn’t want to fuel questions about her absence. However, if the women probed too deeply about her current state of mind, she would plead another appointment and bow out early.

“Will you and Mr. Quentin be home for dinner tonight?” Consuela asked as Ruby gripped the doorknob.

Ruby adjusted the strand of pearls around her neck, then turned back to face the housekeeper. “For now, plan on both of us being here.”

“And Miss Jillian?” Consuela asked.

A finger of worry traced along Ruby’s spine. Jillian had been moody since Ruby’s encounter with Melender. “My daughter has other plans for tonight. If that changes, I will let you know.”

“Very good, Ms. Ruby. Enjoy your lunch.”

“Thank you.” She flashed a fake smile.