“Before I came here, I called Detective Livingston and asked him to stop by.” Brogan stared at her intently as if trying to gauge her reaction.
“Why did you call him?” She sounded huffy but didn’t care. At the time of her arrest, Livingston had been the only one who had attempted to keep an open mind about her involvement. But in the end, he appeared to agree with the conclusion she was responsible, like everyone else.
“Because I think he still has questions about the kidnapping aspect of the case.” Brogan crossed to the kitchen. “What’s this?” He pointed to the open box.
“You didn’t leave it for me?” She joined him at the counter, unease snaking up her spine. “It was wedged between the doors when I came home. There’s no postage, but it has my name on the outside.”
Brogan angled his head to read the block letters on the open flap.
“I was just opening it when you knocked.” Melender reached for the box, but Brogan touched her wrist to stop her.
“In light of what just happened to both of us, let’s leave it until Livingston arrives.”
His tone ratcheted up her unease. “You think it’s connected to the attacks.”
In reply, he tugged on her arm to move her away from the counter. “I don’t know, but I think given what’s happened today we should wait for the detective to proceed.”
The events of the day crashed over her, and she swayed into Brogan.
“Hey, steady there.” He dropped her wrist and wrapped his arms around her, snugging her against his body.
With a sigh, she gave into the offered comfort and allowed herself to relax. She laid her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back in a slow, rhythmic motion. After a moment, she lifted her head. The pinkness of his right cheek attested to his own brush with danger. Because of her, this man had been hurt. Without thinking, she laid her hand gently along his jawline right below the mark. “Brogan, I’m so sorry you were attacked today. I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I just want to find out the truth.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Brogan brought a hand up to brush away the tears that had spilled onto her cheeks, carefully avoiding her bandage.
Her eyes widened at his touch, and she closed her eyes, inadvertently squeezing out more tears. His hand on her face quickened her pulse. How could so small a gesture make her feel so safe and secure?
Then his lips touched her damp cheek, the softness of his mouth teasing a sigh from her. She met his gaze. The banked passion in their depths ignited her own like a match to kindling.So this was what the romance books meant, this feeling that your world might explode as your blood pumped faster through your body.She’d never quite understood the passionate feelings described in books, but now, everything made perfect sense.
* * *
Brogan’s lipstingled from the contact on her smooth skin. The brief encounter made him want to kiss her properly, to place his mouth over hers and taste the saltiness of her lips now dampened with tears.
“Oh. You kissed me.” Melender sounded breathless. “Why?”
Why, indeed. How to explain the need he had to protect her, to care for her, to show her the love she’d been missing for years. Instead of answering her question, he addressed the one she hadn’t asked. “That wasn’t really a kiss.”
She wrinkled her nose. “I think it counts.”
With a shake of his head, he negated her comment.
“It doesn’t?” The slight wobble to her voice coupled with the sweet innocence in her eyes undid the last of his resolve.
She obligingly raised her face to his again. “Hmm?”
“This is a kiss.” He slid his hand into her hair, tilted her head slightly to one side, and gently brought his lips down on hers. He’d meant it to be a chaste kiss, a peck really, but once his mouth connected with hers, all thoughts of disengaging fled his mind. The softness of her lips, the responsiveness of her body to his touch fanned a flame within him that threatened to engulf them both. Without considering the consequences, he deepened the kiss, sliding his hand to her back and rubbing her jawline with his other thumb. All his thoughts, his breath, his very being centered on the woman he held in his arms.
With a sigh, he raised his head enough to rest his forehead against hers. Her eyes, dark with passion, gazed into his only inches away.
“Oh, my.”
He chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from her flushed cheek. “That’s one way to put it.” Brogan leaned down to drop a kiss on her forehead, but she pulled out of his embrace and took a step back.
“We shouldn’t, this isn’t…” She paused before finishing her thought. “It’s complicated.”
Brogan stared at her as she stood in front of him, her head lowered. His insides churned, and she had to add to his anxiety by telling him something he already knew. He knew all the valid reasons why he shouldn’t have kissed her, but rather than articulate those, he agreed with her. “Yes.”