Page 41 of Justice Delayed

Jared nodded, catching a glint of moisture in Quentin’s eyes before he bowed his head. For the first time, Jared realized his dad keenly felt the loss of Jesse and the turmoil it had created in their family. All these years, Jared had only seen Ruby’s outward grief in her rage and crying bouts, not his father’s inward sorrow. That his father cared deeply about what had happened surprised him, but shouldn’t have. The signs had been there, had Jared been self-aware enough to read the map. He took a few tentative steps toward his father. “Dad?”

Quentin raised his head, his eyes meeting Jared’s.

“I’m sorry.” That didn’t cover everything he wanted to say, but Jared couldn’t put into words how much in this moment, he regretted being blind to father’s grief.

Quentin laid a hand on Jared’s shoulder. “I know, son.” He squeezed his shoulder, then turned toward the door.

Jared clicked the deadbolt after his departure. He flopped onto the couch, resting his head against the back cushion. His father could never find out about the ransom money. It would kill him to lose another son.

* * *

“Hey,Brogan, what are you doing here?” Seth Whitman leaned over the cubicle wall.

“Just a sec.” Brogan finished typing the final sentence on his story about next week’s upcoming debate between candidates for Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney. “Trying to finish this story.”

“I figured you’d be down at the police station.” Seth unwrapped a piece of butterscotch candy and popped it in his mouth.

“That’s your beat.” Brogan wasn’t up to playing twenty questions with the younger reporter and photographer. He hadn’t slept well last night. Thoughts of Melender had intruded long after his head hit the pillow.

“Yeah, but I thought you’d have heard by now.” Seth glanced at his phone. “It’s been more than twelve hours since the discovery.”

A part of him wanted to tune Seth out, but his reporter’s antenna rose enough that he’d hear Seth out. The beefy young man had taken a shine to Brogan, often dropping by his desk to chat. He’d once asked Seth why he hadn’t been snapped up by a larger, more prestigious paper given his stellar academic background. Seth replied that he’d chosen to pay his dues the old-fashioned way. Personally, Brogan thought Seth was nuts, but he didn’t say that.

“Just tell me, already.” Brogan picked up his empty mug. “I know you’re dying to.”

Seth stepped back as Brogan rose, then trailed him to the breakroom. “It has to do with the Jesse Thompson kidnapping.”

Brogan whirled around to pin Seth with a hard stare. “What did you say?”

Seth took a step back. “Whoa, don’t shoot the messenger.”

“Sorry.” Brogan continued to the breakroom. He sniffed the pot of caffeinated coffee sitting on a warmer and decided it was fresh enough. “Tell me everything.”

“There was a homicide last night, some drug dealer named TJ Williams, but everyone knows him as Snake.” Seth hoisted himself onto the opposite counter as Brogan poured coffee into his mug. “I was asking the regular questions, trying to see if there was a bigger story than a garden-variety murder.”

Brogan dumped one single-serve coffee creamer into his mug, then stirred as he listened to Seth.

“On the surface, it appeared to be nothing more than a drug deal gone bad. But then one of my sources revealed that a packet of money had been found. A bundle of tens and twenties that added up to twenty thousand dollars.”

Brogan straightened. “Part of the ransom money paid in Thompson kidnapping case?”

“That’s what my source says, but, of course, no one will confirm it.” Seth hopped down. “Not yet, anyway. I know the two detectives assigned to the murder visited Melender this morning when she got off work to ask her about the cash.”

“What happened?” Part of the ransom turning up now could mean their questions were making someone uncomfortable enough to try to pull Melender back into the frame for the ransom.

Seth shrugged. “I haven’t been able to find out. The detectives aren’t talking, and my source doesn’t know anything more.”

“Thanks for telling me.” Brogan moved toward the breakroom door.

“Hey, you’ll let me know Melender’s reaction?”

Brogan turned back. He met Seth’s cocky grin with a smile of his own. “Perhaps. But I’m after a much bigger story than a drug dealer’s murder.”

Seth became serious. “I know, but if this murder is connected with whoever’s responsible for the ransom…” He didn’t have to finish the sentence. Brogan heard the warning behind the unspoken words.

“I’ll be careful.” He considered what to do next. “Any chance your source knows where the detectives in charge of the murder typically eat lunch?”

“I think my source can find out. I’ll text you the info.”