“Williams had twenty thousand dollars in cash on him when he died.” Livingston met her gaze.
Melender drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly to calm her galloping pulse. Misery colored her voice as she put into words the reason for their visit. “It’s part of the ransom money, isn’t it?”
“Why would you assume that?” Collier jutted her chin out, her tone combative.
“I didn’t assume, I asked because you’re telling me about the murder of a man I don’t know who had a lot of cash.” Melender rested her hip against the rear door of her car to steady her wobbly legs. The warm metal pressed against her thigh, helping to keep her grounded. “I don’t know anyone named Williams, and I certainly never collected any ransom money.”
“But you did kill Jesse Thompson.”
She winced at Collier’s bald statement. In the eyes of the world, she was a convicted murderer. It didn’t matter that she didn’t do it, and saying so would only heighten their suspicion of her in connection with this new crime. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”
“Then you won’t mind if we search your apartment?” Collier raised her eyebrows in a challenge.
Melender gave a weak chuckle. “Knock yourself out. If you find anything salvable that I overlooked yesterday, let me know.”
“Salvable?” Livingston said.
“Oh, didn’t check with your colleagues in robbery before coming here? Someone—or, more accurately, according to one of my neighbors, several people—broke into my apartment yesterday while I was out and completely destroyed all of my possessions. There’s not a dish, picture frame, sofa cushion, or item of clothing that isn’t smashed or slashed to shreds.”
Melender pushed off from her car, adrenaline spiking her words. “Please, search away. Now, unless you have a warrant for my arrest, we’re done here.”
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Jared cradled his head in his hands. How could Snake be dead? The craving for a hit roared through his body like a runaway train. He rocked back and forth, pressing his hands against his temples in an effort to banish the desire.
No, he wouldn’t succumb. He wouldn’t go back down that path. He’d been clean for months and liked the way his brain completed thoughts and his body didn’t vibrate when he needed a fix.
But Snake’s murder shook him to the core. The cops wouldn’t come knocking on his door, not when he’d cut ties to the drug community three years ago. No one had seen him visit Snake on Wednesday night. He’d carefully wiped his fingerprints from the bills and plastic bag before handing the bundle to Snake.
His grand scheme to cast suspicion about Melender’s involvement with the kidnapping by slowly leaking some of the ransom money out through a drug dealer had imploded. Jared slumped against the back of his leather couch, closing his eyes. If only his dad hadn’t severely curtailed his allowance after learning about his drug habit. Back then, Jared needed money, and the opportunity to make some quick cash when Jesse disappeared had won out. But after the ransom pickup, Jared had overheard an FBI agent discussing how the bills could be traced through special markings and serial numbers. Which meant he’d ended up with a million dollars he couldn’t spend.
A rapid knock on the door broke into his thoughts. Jared wasn’t expecting anyone. Maybe he hadn’t completely removed his prints from the bills. The person knocked again, harder this time.
“Jared, I know you’re home. Open up.”
His father, not a man you ignored. Jared pulled open the door. Quentin pushed past him into the condo, fury stamped across his taut features. His dad didn’t give him a chance to speak before he exploded.
“What on earth were you thinking?”
No way Quentin knew about Snake and the ransom money. Best to stay quiet until Jared figured out what had gotten his father all riled up.
“Don’t just stand there, acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Quentin’s voice dropped to a controlled tone, which scared Jared more than his first outburst.
Before Jared could decide whether to agree or bluff his way out, Quentin continued.
“Ruby showed me the photos of Melender’s apartment.”
Jared’s body nearly sagged with relief. This wasn’t about Snake’s death. This was about Ruby’s request. “Dad, she begged me for the name of someone to harass Melender. You know how Ruby can get. She wasn’t going to let this go.”
“You thought giving her a criminal’s contact info was the right choice?” Quentin paced across the living room and peered out of the window.
“If I hadn’t, she would have found more trouble trying to do it on her own.” His father’s loud harrumph revealed he still needed to be convinced. “She called me the day after our family dinner, crying about how much she missed Jesse. Then she asked me for the name of someone who could—and I’m quoting her exact words—‘put enough pressure on Melender to make her reveal where she hid Jesse.’”
Quentin didn’t turn around.
“I gave her the name of someone I knew would treat it like a business proposition. After all, I didn’t want her asking the wrong person for the job.”
“A business proposition.” Quentin turned to face Jared. “Your stepmother has agreed to not contact this person again. I want you to tell this individual that he is not to accept another job from my wife. If Ruby does contact him, he’s to come directly to me.”