“Yes, he did.” She smiled at Brogan as he ended his call.
“Put him on, and my office will be in touch once I have the pardon signed. Miss Harman?”
“Yes, sir?”
“On behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, my sincere apologies for your wrongful conviction.”
“Thank you.” Melender managed to speak around the lump in her throat. “Here’s Brogan.”
She handed her phone to Brogan. “It’s Governor Conner.”
He raised his eyebrows as he accepted the device. “Brogan Gilmore with theNorthern Virginia Herald.”
Melender couldn’t concentrate on Brogan’s side of the conversation because she kept replaying the governor’s words “sincere apologies for your wrongful conviction,” “your record wiped clean,” and “pardon.” She closed her eyes as the reality of his words washed over her.
Finally, her life would be her own. Finally, she had closure on what happened to her darling nephew. Finally, she could think about her future—maybe one that would include a certain blond-haired, blue-eyed reporter. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. But somehow, she didn’t think what she felt for the handsome reporter had much in common with the infatuation of youth. This was the real thing, a love that would last a lifetime.
Her eyes popped open. Love. Yes, she did love Brogan. The way he had protected her, had believed in her when no one else did. The way he’d come to her rescue in the garden shed. The way he’d kissed her. Her lips tingled at the memory. Her gaze drifted to his lips, watching as he formed words she ignored. The longing for his mouth on hers sent another wave of warmth throughout her body. But a niggling doubt crept in. Would Brogan even want her now that the story was complete?
She could have misread the signs he meant for friendship where she saw love. After all, she had zero experience in the romance department. There was that kiss, but since then, he’d never even tried to capture her lips with his. Sure, he had held her hand, and the look in his eyes at times had made her heart skip quite a few beats.
She jerked her gaze from his mouth to his eyes. By the look of bemusement in their blue depths, she must have zoned out for longer than a few seconds. “Uh, I was woolgathering, as Sudie used to say.”
He smiled as he reached across the table for her hand. “You appeared to be miles away.”
“How was the governor?” Melender interlaced her fingers with Brogan’s, not wanting to discuss exactly where her thoughts had gone during his phone conversation.
“Great. He gave me an exclusive interview with the caveat that I can’t hit publish until 4 p.m. today when he makes the announcement about your pardon.” Brogan’s blue eyes brightened. “You must be so happy.”
“I am.” Melender didn’t add that much of her happiness had to do with the man sitting across from her rather than an official pardon. “It’s a lot to take in, after all that’s happened.”
“I know.” He squeezed her hand, then extracted his and cleaned up the remains of their lunch. “But I’ve got a lot of writing to do between now and 4 p.m.”
Melender rose to help toss the wrappers and cups into the trashcan. She tried to focus as he chatted about the story and the news Fallon had given him by text that his story had been picked up by the Associated Press and broadcast across the country. But she couldn’t entirely fight off a wave of melancholy that swept over her. As he walked her out to the parking lot, tears suddenly pricked the backs of her eyelids. Blinking rapidly, she willed them away. No way did she want to cry on Brogan’s parade. He deserved this moment of journalistic redemption.
At their respective vehicles, she pulled keys from her purse. The evening ahead stretched out in front of her like a blank canvas. Maybe she’d curl up with Goliath and binge-watch an entire season of “The Office.”
Brogan touched her arm.
She met his gaze briefly before sliding hers to the ground. “I know you’ll write a good story about the pardon.”
“Melender.” He gently lifted her chin, then cupped her cheek. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“Oh?” Her eyes entangled with his, the seriousness in their depths sending a tingling sensation down to her toes.
“We’ve had a wild ride, haven’t we?” His lips curve into a brief smile. “I can’t believe we’ve only known each other less than a month. And yet…”
Instead of finishing his thought, he encircled her waist with his other hand, drawing her body closer to his. “And yet?” His nearness played havoc with her senses as she breathed in a hint of cedar underlined with a clean soap smell that she identified as all Brogan.
“I’ve found myself thinking about you all the time, not as a source but as someone with whom I’m falling in love.” He brought his lips close to hers. “I have no intention of walking out of your life, Melender Harman. I’m in it for the long game.”
With those words, he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against her mouth. As Brogan deepened the kiss, Melender wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed herself to simply enjoy the moment—feeling at home in his arms.
The End