“Obviously you haven’t called Mom and Dad recently.” She flopped down on the sectional but started tapping her fingers on the arm rest.
Jared pressed his palms into his eyes before lowering his hands. Melender was free. With Melender in prison, questions about what happened that night had stayed largely under the surface. Her release changed everything. “When did she get out?”
“Months ago. Dad tried to keep it hush-hush, but Mom found out. It’s all Mom talks about, ranting and raving about how justice hasn’t been served.”
His stepmother, Ruby, had never gotten over her grief when it came to Jesse.
“Apparently, Mom tracked her down and confronted her at a convenience store late last night—or I should say, early this morning.”
“What convenience store?”
“The Kwikie Mart near the Auld Sheeben restaurant in Fairfax.” Jillian pulled out her phone and scrolled through it. “Mom read a news article that mentioned a Mel Harman and thought it might be our dear cousin Melender. Last night, Dad and Mom went to the Kwikie Mart to confront the woman, who did turn out to be Melender.” She thrust the phone toward Jared. “Read this.”
Jared took the phone. Jillian had pulled up an article on theNorthern Virginia Heraldwebsite dated four days ago.
Cleaner Foils Robbery
By Brogan Gilmore, Herald reporter
FAIRFAX – A two-liter bottle of Dr Pepper stopped a would-be robber from taking hundreds of dollars from the Kwikie Mart convenience store on Chain Bridge Road early Saturday morning. “She grab soda bottle and, wham! clipped masked man in side of head,” said owner Vihaan Patel, who had been transferring the day’s cash out of the safe at the time of the incident.
Mel Harman, an employee of Squeaky Clean, was cleaning the store in the early morning hours of Saturday. “I didn’t do anything special,” she said. “I saw someone in a werewolf mask holding a gun on Mr. Patel, so I chucked the bottle of soda at his head.”
“I was very lucky she had such good aim,” Mr. Patel said, adding that had the attempt been successful, it would have been the third time in less than two weeks his store had been robbed. “All three times, robbers wore masks.”
Police continue to investigate the incidents, cautioning against actions such as those employed by Ms. Harman. “We strongly urge civilians to dial 911 if they see a robbery or other crime in process rather than attempting to stop the crime,” said Capt. Bill Donovan with the Fairfax City Police Department. “While Ms. Harman’s actions did chase off the would-be robber, it doesn’t always happen that way.”
Mr. Patel sees Ms. Harman as a heroine. “This time, the robber seemed more nervous, jittery. I was very scared. Her actions probably saved my life,” he said. “I reward her for keeping me safe.”
Mr. Patel said he would hire a security guard until the thieves are caught. The police urge anyone with information related to these incidents to call 703-555-1212.
He handed the phone back, hoping she wouldn’t notice his sweaty palm. “What happened when Ruby showed up?”
“That reporter was there doing a follow-up piece, so Mom told him all about what Melender did and how Jesse hadn’t been found.”
Jared clenched his fist, wanting to pound something. He’d have to stop by the gym for a few rounds in the ring to work off his rising anger. Once again, Melender was messing up his life.
“Are you okay?” Jillian peered at him. “You look upset.”
“I’m fine,” he snapped. “What’s Dad going to do about this fiasco?”
“He said he was going to make sure Melender didn’t cause any trouble.” Jillian waved her hand at him. “Whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
He winced at the raw skin encircling her thumbnail. “How’s he going to do that?”
Jillian shrugged. “Who knows? I wouldn’t worry about it.”
Then why was she here?Jared didn’t voice the question that was on the tip of his tongue because he knew why—to warn him that Melender was out of prison and in town. And that Ruby would likely have one of her “spells.” Granted, Dad would do his best to convince Melender to leave town. Her presence meant no one in the family was safe. But if Melender decided to try to prove her innocence, there would be no stopping her. Unless… No, he wouldn’t entertain that possibility.
“Mom wants you to come to dinner on Thursday.”
Jared started to decline, but maybe it would be best to hear firsthand any updates from his father. “Tell Ruby I’ll be there.”
“Sure.” She moved to the door, and Jared followed.
Ruby wouldn’t let the issue of Jesse alone, not with Melender free from prison. All of them would be forced to relive those terrible days leading up to Jesse’s kidnapping. And he knew for a fact, Jillian didn’t want to rehash the time Jesse disappeared any more than he did.
Jillian opened the door and stepped outside. “I imagine Melender will start asking a lot of questions about Jesse’s abduction now that she’s out of prison. One of her first stops will probably be here. After all, you were supposed to be watching Jesse that night.”