“That was awesome,man,” Forrest said, extending his hand to shake Jack’s. They’d spent the whole afternoon out on the Bow, and he was helping Forrest load his equipment into the Hummer. “Thank you.”
“You’re casting a whole hell of a lot better,” Jack said. And he meant it. With a few tweaks, Forrest’s technique had improved a lot in a short time. “Next up we’re going to address that double haul. Then you might just be able to start calling yourself an angler.”
“Same time tomorrow?”
“Actually, I’m heading up north for a couple days,” Jack said. It had been a while since he’d been up to the cabin, and he wanted to check on how it had fared over the winter and start getting it ready for some summer visits. “But how about Saturday?”
“I’ll take you out for lunch after,” said Forrest.
Just before Jack was about to hop in his truck, Forrest cleared his throat. “Listen, uh, I’ve been thinking,” he said.
Jack almost made a joke about that being a new development, but he bit his tongue. After spending a few hours with Forrest, he found himself kind of liking the kid. Given what he was going through and his openness to feedback and learning, Jack’s goal now was to build him up rather than take him down. “What’s on your mind?”
“My summer calendar is really booked up,” Forrest said. “And I’m not ashamed to say you’re a hell of a lot better at leading groups than I am.” He scratched the side of his face. “What are your thoughts on teaming up? You run the tours, I’m there as a second-in-command when I can be, but most of my time I’ll work on getting us bookings and manage the behind-the-scenes stuff.”
Jack considered, doing his best to mask his surprise. He’d worked for years to build up his business, and he was proud of it. But there was no denying Forrest was a talented marketer, and that would free up more of Jack’s time to take out groups—the part of the job he enjoyed the most. “You know, it won’t take long for you to get more up to speed on all this,” he said, gesturing to the river.
“I know. But it’d be a lot more fun to do this with a partner anyway,” Forrest said. “Think about it at least,” he added. “Maybe we can talk more on Saturday.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” said Jack.
Teaming up. Why it hadn’t occurred to him in the past was beyond him. But in the past few weeks, he’d started to see the allure of it. For his working life, but in other ways too.
Usually Jack lovedthe sound of raindrops on a tin roof. Today, however, the noise was grating on him. The rain was coming down in thick sheets now, and even Bodie appeared wary of going out for his morning walk. Jack threw another log into the stove, then sat back on the couch, staring out the window. He’d wanted to get up onto the roof, but it wouldn’t be safe in this rain. And stocking up on firewood wasn’t really an option, so he was forced inside to wait out the weather.
The book he’d brought to the cabin sat unread on the side table, and the idea of making breakfast was unappealing.
Being at the cabin was supposed to be peaceful and relaxing. But between the weather and the fact that Jack hadn’t slept the night before, he was regretting his decision to come. As soon as the rain let up, he would pack up and head home. The only bright spot was what he’d resolved to do when he returned.
Bodie settled at a spot on the floor in front of him and let out a whistly sigh.
“I hear you,” Jack muttered. The rain pounded even harder overhead.
He knew exactly why he’d come. Being out here in the middle of nowhere meant he had no chance of running into Celeste. Or anyone else, really. He wanted to be alone. But being alone also meant all the time in the world to be with his thoughts, which, so far, were all about Celeste. The look in her eyes when he’d told her it wasn’t going to work out. The soft skin on her back that he’d traced with his hand as they’d been lying together in his bed. The playful defiance in her eyes on the river when she’d told him she wanted to do her casther way.
A hundred times now he’d replayed the last time he’d seen her at the lodge and could think of a hundred different ways he wished it had played out instead of him being a selfish prick. Celeste had every right to pursue whatever job she wanted. He should have congratulated her and then waited to see how things went between them. Instead, he’d behaved even worse than he had with Christine. It had felt right in the moment. Protective. Now he was having trouble washing away the regret.
“What do you think, boy?” Jack said, and Bodie turned his head. “It’s time to go see her, isn’t it?”
Bodie sniffed his approval, and Jack scratched the area behind his ears. It was time. Celeste was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he’d make it work long distance if he had to. Hell, he’d pack up and move out there if it meant a life with her in it.
A flash of red through the woods pulled him out of his thoughts. Bodie noticed it too and was immediately on guard. They rarely saw anyone out here.
Jack sat up and squinted, trying to make out the figure tramping through the forest, but the rain made it impossible to make out the features of whoever it was.
They’d better not be looking for shelter. Even though Jack was bored as hell, the last thing he wanted was to make small talk with a stranger who needed to get out of the rain. Maybe the hiker would pass him by.
But no such luck. The red coat moved closer to the cabin. He could pretend he wasn’t there, but the smoke from the chimney was a dead giveaway. Jack sighed and stood up, ready to greet the stranger through the door.
When he swung open the wooden door, rain blew into his face, and it took him a second to realize who was standing in front of him, so soaking wet that her hiking jacket and pants stuck to her slight frame, and it was clear that her cheeks weren’t just wet with rain.
“Holy hell, Celeste,” he said. She looked up at him and let out a small sob, then wiped her face with the soaking wet sleeve of her jacket. Her skin was red, and she was shivering.
He opened his mouth to speak again but was too surprised. He made way for her to enter the cabin, then shut the door behind them. She stood in the small entranceway, a puddle forming at her feet.
“Here,” he said, making a move to help her take off her jacket. “Let me take that. I’ll get you something dry to wear. Come over by the fire.”