Jack’s mind raced as he struggled with what to say.
“My ex-girlfriend lives here. With our baby girl. My family doesn’t know about her. I’m just trying to do the right thing by making some money to give to her that doesn’t have to pass through my father.”
Jack’s felt his cheeks redden with shame. “Shit, man,” he said. “I’m sorry.” He passed the bag back through the window. It was silent for a few moments. “I won’t say anything.”
“Thanks,” Forrest said. When he looked back at Jack, all Jack could see were the eyes of a child.
Jack turned back to his truck, then stopped, cursing himself for what he was about to do. “Hey,” he said. “Meet me down at the Lemington turnpike Tuesday morning. Bring those Sage X rods. We’re going to fix your cast.”
For a second, he expected Forrest to rev up his engine and back up into Jack’s truck, but instead, his face brightened. “Yeah? I have a new Orvis I can bring too.”
Jack sighed. Could he be any more of a softie? “Yeah, bring that too,” he said. “Your cast is garbage. You’re telling me you’ve actually caught a fish before? You’ve got some nerve, starting your own company.”
Forrest grinned. “Almost a hundred five-star reviews would say otherwise.”
Jack fought off a smile as he returned to his truck. “See you in the morning, kid,” he called back.
And at the end of the day, that was what Forrest was. A kid with a grown-up problem, trying his best to be a man.
Hank was outfront of the tackle shop when he pulled in. “Hey, Jack,” Hank said. “I heard about what went down on the river yesterday.”
“Word travels fast,” said Jack.
“The guys came through to the diner. Could’ve ended badly if you hadn’t been there.”
“Well, didn’t,” Jack said. A few hours ago, he’d have wanted to stick around for a few minutes and fill Hank in on the situation. But now he just felt sorry for Forrest.
“I’m of half a mind to call in to the licensing office,” Hank said.
“Nah, no, don’t do that,” Jack said.
“Really? Might help clear some competition for you.”
Jack knew Hank was just trying to be helpful, and he appreciated him looking out for him, but the way he said it kind of rubbed Jack the wrong way.
“All good, Hank. Leave it alone.”
Hank raised an eyebrow. “You going soft on me, Wallace?”
He sure was.
“I’m going to deal with it my own way,” he said. “Just don’t make the call, okay? I’ll see you later on.”
Chapter Sixteen
The speedboat ridefrom Campbell River to Lagoon Island, up past Quadra Island and through the passage between the Discovery Islands, was about an hour long. Celeste had looked at a map the night before and it hadn’t seemed too far away from civilization, but the trip to the remote island, where she’d already spotted seals, sea lions, and osprey, felt like a journey to another planet.
The cool air and sprays of mist off the water kept her alert as they sped through the channels between islands. Stephan’s assistant had made her travel arrangements: She’d taken the early flight from Calgary to the Comox airport and would make it to Lagoon Island by noon.
For so much travel, it would be a quick visit. There would be a tour of the grounds, then a discussion about the contract over lunch in the newly completed restaurant.
She’d been up since three a.m., so Celeste was thankful that the noise of the boat’s motor coupled with the wind whipping by was so loud that she wasn’t forced to make conversation with the driver of the boat, a nice woman named Alexis who had been tasked with meeting her in Campbell River and shuttling her over. Celeste’s mind was spinning, and the scope of the journey she was taking was too overwhelming for small talk.
Celeste felt unsteady and untethered. She’d stood in the airport for twenty minutes, staring straight ahead and contemplating rescheduling to an early flight home and heading right back to Keystone Ridge. In the end, the fact that her stomach was growling and the only café in the Comox airport had a lineup twenty deep sealed the deal. Stephan had told her the chef was experimenting with different menu items so he’d be looking for her feedback on that as well.
The speedboat whipped across the waves, bumping forward, the scent of burning gasoline mixed with salty sea air. Celeste pulled her hood tighter around her face, trying to duck behind the boat’s windshield as much as possible while also keeping the island in view. Showing up looking as polished as possible was essential, given that Stephan had witnessed her less-than-professional stage performance.