Page 42 of The Wedding Twist

She parked her Jeep anyway. She stood on the path, looking at his house, then almost leapt out of her skin as a voice came from behind her. “Celeste?”

She spun around and found Jack with an adorable dog trailing behind him with a tennis ball in his mouth. “Sorry to scare you. We’re just coming back from a walk. You’re back for another round on the river?” Her face must have still been laced with panic. “Wait, you okay?” he said.

Tears sprung into her eyes unexpectedly, and Jack’s expression softened. He put out his arms, and she melted into them, the warm feeling of his strong embrace quieting the nerves and doubt that laced through her. She breathed in the smell of his jacket, earthy mixed with the spice of aftershave, and steadied herself.

“You had your interview today, didn’t you?” he said, pulling back and studying her face. “Come on in. Tell me how it went.”

Jack made coffee while Celeste sat on his couch, petting Bodie, who kept his head in her lap, looking up at her with a tender, innocent gaze. “He likes you,” Jack said. He brought the mugs of coffee over and deposited one on the table.

“I guess this is why these guys are used as therapy pets,” she said.

“He’s attuned to how people are feeling, that’s for sure.” Jack sat in the spot next to her and rubbed the spot behind Bodie’s ears. “So. Talk to me.”

“Sorry to just barge in like this,” Celeste said. She took a sip of her coffee.

“It’s all right,” he said. “To be honest, I was wondering if I’d hear from you. After you missing class.”

Celeste shifted in her seat. “I know. It’s just—there’s been a lot going on.”

“Okay. You going to tell me about it?”

“I wasn’t sure about this interview. I mean, I didn’t really even want to apply in the first place. And I thought I was prepared. But then I got there and the place is stunning and I think I could do a really good job.”

“So, what’s the problem, then?”

“The problem is that I was made to look like a complete fool by Annie Flint. She’s the one vacating the job. And it was like she was out to get me the whole interview.”

“She probably realizes you’re going to do a better job. And she can’t handle it.”

“Well, I walked out of there feeling like a complete idiot.” She felt her voice waver and willed herself not to cry.

“So, call them back. Tell them you want another chance, without her there.”

Celeste shook her head. “I can’t do that. I just have to keep my eye out for another job.” She put her head back on the couch. “Ugh.”

“Can I make a suggestion?” His voice was gentle and reassuring.


“Given that you still have your job, a job that you love, and you don’t know for sure that you won’t have that job for the time being…”

“I can’t live with that kind of uncertainty,” she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

He leaned in closer, his gaze intense yet comforting. “What’s the fun in that?” His words held a challenge, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes.

“It’s kind of my thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“My whole job is to anticipate what’s next. What time the honeymooners will be down for breakfast and whether they’ll want Bloody Marys or mimosas. If the temperature is going to drop early in the season and we need to make sure the firewood is well stocked. You know—customer service?”

Jack looked at her with a funny look. “Now that you say it, it makes sense. And you’re damn good at it. But does that mean you have to live your entire life that way? Not leaving anything to chance or having a little faith that things will work out as they should?”

“You make me sound so rigid.”

Jack set down his coffee cup and turned to fully face her. “That’s not what I meant.”

But Celeste knew he was right. She liked predictability, order. There was elegance in a well-executed plan, but Jack brought forth something wild inside her, longing to break free. She managed a tight grin.