Page 38 of The Wedding Twist

“Nice place,” Forrest said. “A little old-timey, but some of my clients are into that. Happy to recommend it to them, if you want to pass my name along in return.”

Through his rage, Jack had to hand it to the kid. He knew how to network.

“Thanks,” Celeste said. “We’re pretty booked up for the time being, but that’s kind of you.” She reached out again and grabbed on to Jack’s bicep. “Let’s go,” she said. “I want to hear more about your time working in Argentina. It sounds incredible.”

It was obvious she was going over the top and that she wanted to pump him up in front of Forrest. But he was lapping up every second of it, especially when he noted the jealous glint in Forrest’s expression.

“See you around,” Jack said as they moved onto shore.

“Forrest Outfitters!” Forrest called from the river. “Don’t forget the name!”

Celeste took a hold of Jack’s arm as they walked toward the car. “That was some restraint you showed there, teach,” she said.

“You could tell?”

“There’s still smoke coming from your ears.” She fished the keys from her pocket. “I wasn’t kidding—I want to know more about your trips. Follow me to the lodge? We can sit out on the dock. I don’t want this lunch to go to waste.”

Jack swallowed, taking in Celeste’s playful expression and the way the sun had already made the light freckles on her nose come out. “Sure thing,” he said. All the annoyance and anger he’d felt from talking to Forrest had disappeared. He’d follow her anywhere.


The afternoon sunwas warm, and a gentle breeze came off the water as they settled into the chairs at the edge of the lodge’s dock.

“Last class tonight,” Celeste said. “Think you’ll do it again?”

Jack considered. Now that he’d done it once, it would be a lot easier the second time around. And he was enjoying it more than he’d expected. “It won’t be as much fun without you there,” he said.

He watched as Celeste unpacked the picnic basket, and accepted the sandwich rolled up in brown butcher paper and the salad in a glass container. “Here,” she said and gave him cutlery rolled up in a cloth napkin.

She noticed him smiling at the striped napkin. “I don’t know why you think it’s so amusing,” she said.

“It’s not. I like it,” he said, then paused. “And I like you.”

Celeste was quiet. “So, you’re unattached?” she said.

“Yep,” said Jack. “Just me and Bodie these days.”

“And what was before ‘these days’?”

He considered. Did he really want to ruin the moment by talking about his ex? He glanced over at Celeste as she took a bite of her sandwich. She actually looked interested.

“My last girlfriend broke things off a couple years ago. I guess I wasn’t exciting enough for her.”

“What does that mean?” said Celeste.

“She said living here was too quiet, and I guess by extension I was boring too. But something tells me she was just thirsty for more drama in her life. She was always trying to pick fights. It wasn’t my thing.”

“Doesn’t seem like you were too broken up about her leaving,” Celeste said.

Jack chuckled to himself. Oh, he’d been broken up, a sad puppy dog. It was a version of himself he never wanted to meet again. “Let’s just say I learned something from the experience.” He took a bite of his sandwich, and as expected, it was perfect. Or maybe it was just the company and the setting. “This is incredible,” he said and wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin. “And how about you? I find it hard to believe you’re single.”

“What do you mean, hard to believe? I’m a soon-to-be-unemployed thirty-something who basically lives with her parents.”

Jack gave her a look. “Okay, Ms. Dramatic. You know just as well as I do that you’re a ten. Smart, gorgeous, thoughtful, and fun.”

At his words, her expression shifted. “I haven’t really had time to date. My hours don’t really lend themselves to social time. So, after Matt and I broke up…”

“When was that?”