Page 37 of The Wedding Twist

“Well, they’ve never told me otherwise.” He put the fish back into the water, and they watched as it disappeared in the current. “Want to try for another?”

“I’m good!” said Celeste. “Let’s just end on a high note.”

Jack chuckled. They’d been out on the river for less than twenty minutes. “Well, I didn’t expect to make a convert out of you.”

He motioned for her to go first toward the riverbed, then waded behind her. They approached some fallen logs that would do well for a seat and almost collided when Celeste stopped abruptly and turned to face him.

“You’re not just a good teacher in the classroom,” she said. “I think things are going to pick up for you soon,” she said.

He was about to answer when the obnoxious and unmistakable sound of a Hummer engine growled to a halt over where they’d parked. Jack looked over to find Forrest pulling right up next to his truck. He’d gotten his vehicle wrapped with his company logo, with a matching trailer for his gear. “Not if this guy has anything to do with it.”

“Who’s that?”

“You haven’t heard of Forrest Halpern?” Jack said. “I guess you’re not spending enough time with the riffraff around here.”

“Is he aHalpernHalpern?” Celeste said.

“Yup,” said Jack. “Not sure he inherited any of his family’s brains, though.”

They watched as Forrest hopped out of the Hummer, a wide smile on his face. It looked like he was growing out the scruff on his face, but it didn’t help him look any older. “Beauty day!” he called, then approached where they were standing.

“Forrest,” said Jack.Screw off, he wanted to add.

Forrest extended his hand to Celeste. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around town,” he said. “I would have remembered. I’m Forrest.”

Jack fought back the urge to clock the cocky SOB.

“Celeste,” she said and shook his hand. “You run tours out of this area too?”

“I’m starting to,” Forrest said. “Are you looking for a guide?”

Jack gritted his teeth as he zeroed in on the perfect spot to land a sharp uppercut to Forrest’s jaw.

“I’m all set,” Celeste said, placing her hand on Jack’s arm. The gesture cooled him just enough to keep him from doing something stupid.

Forrest looked at Jack and raised an eyebrow. “Private lessons, eh, Wallace? I’ll have to give that a go.” He looked back at Celeste and dug a business card out of his vest. “I’ll pass this along, just in case. Or if you have any friends.”

Celeste looked sideways at Jack, a slight grin on her face that told him she was just humoring Forrest. “Thank you,” she said. She looked over at the Hummer. “That’s a whole lot of truck.”

“You know what they say,” Jack said. “Big truck—”

Forrest laughed. “You’re funny, man. Are you done out here? I’ve got a group coming by in a half an hour. We can share the space. Just let me know where you’re going to be. I’ll have to set up for photos.”

“You know, it’s bad form to intrude on a space someone else is using.”

“It’s public land. We both have licenses, right?”

Jack’s blood boiled. But he didn’t want to lose it in front of Celeste. He cared a lot what she thought about him. She was a consummate pro, and he was digging deep to stay calm. “We’re about done here,” he managed, through gritted teeth. “But this section of the river is where I take my groups. So, feel free to do your thing here today, but it’s good etiquette to stake your claim in your own spot.” He had to congratulate himself for how evenly that came out.

“All right,” said Forrest. “Thanks, Wallace.” Jack nodded to Celeste. Maybe they could move someplace else, even though he hated ceding his territory. “But, uh, Wallace,” Forrest continued. “I mean, you’re really only taking groups out, like, what, once a week now? Surely this prime spot shouldn’t go unused just because you don’t have bookings?”

Professionalism was no longer an option. Jack was going to kill this twerp.

“Jack’s going to have plenty of groups out here now that he’s working with my family’s business,” Celeste said.

Forrest raised an eyebrow. “Your family business? What’s that?”

“The Butterfly Lake Lodge,” she said, a hint of challenge in her voice.