Page 33 of The Wedding Twist

The vows were repeated, a kiss was cheered, and after twenty minutes, Celeste was passing out flutes of champagne to a very happy bride and groom and their guests.

When Celeste approached Jack with the tray of drinks, he accepted a glass, then held it up in the air, tipping it toward her. “Cheers to you,” he said, the depth of his voice unleashing a cascade of shivers over her skin. “Seems like everything’s going off without a hitch.”

“Don’t jinx it,” she said, smiling. “We still have the whole reception for something to go wrong.”

“Excuse me, you two,” Jeannie said. She placed her hand on Jack’s elbow. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you ready for your close-up, Jack?”

Jack passed Celeste his flute and straightened his collar. He looked at her. “What do you think? Am I ready?”

You’re perfect, she thought, but she could only nod. Celeste watched as Jack joined the rest of the bridal party by the fireplace, the reluctant but appreciated and completely disarming interloper.


While the photographerdirected the group, Celeste took the opportunity to go back to the kitchen to sit for a few minutes and give her throbbing feet a rest. She found Quinn at the table, with a cup of tea and a scone beside her as she worked on a sudoku puzzle.

“How’s it going out there?” said Quinn.

“We’ll have some good shots for you to post,” Celeste said. Wedding pictures were always popular, and Quinn was skilled in using hashtags to gain new followers. She poured herself a glass of water from the dispenser and joined her sister. “Just make sure you get the couple’s approval on everything first. And the photographer’s.”

“Of course. How’s Jack?”

“He’s fine, I think,” Celeste said. “I’ve agreed to have dinner with him tonight.” A totally stupid and irrational decision, but she couldn’t very well go back on it now that the bride and groom had arranged for a place for her at a table.

Quinn looked up, eyes wide. “Wait, you’re his date?”

“No, I think he just felt kind of obligated to stay for dinner. And he doesn’t really know anyone, plus there’s the extra place setting for Kevin and his girlfriend.” It sounded less ridiculous when she said it out loud.

“Well, you can’t wear that,” Quinn said, eyeing her suit.

“Why not? I’ve been wearing it all day.”

“Exactly. Go get changed,” her sister urged. “I’ll go check to see if anything is needed out there. And definitely go with that silver dress you bought from Revolve.”

Celeste considered. Her suit was very appropriate for work. But she had been wearing it since six a.m., and Kassie would probably prefer her in something a bit more formal if she happened to get in the background of any photos. “Fine. All right, thanks. I won’t be long.”

“Toodel-oo,” said Quinn, turning back to her puzzle.

Celeste left through the door off the kitchen, where the catering staff was unloading the last trays of hors d’oeuvres. Jeannie and Mariana were making some of the key parts of the meal, but a group this size required outside support.

The sun was just starting to set behind the tree line across the lake as she crossed the parking lot between the lodge and her cabin. Breathing in the cool, clean air had a steadying effect.

“Hope you’re not standing me up,” she heard from behind her. She turned to find Jack standing to the side of the building, car keys in hand.

“I’m just going to get changed,” Celeste said. “You look like you’re ready to escape. Are the photos already done?”

“They’re doing family photos now. Apparently I’m due back in five minutes.” He motioned to his truck. “Just grabbing my overnight bag,” he said. “If I’m going to have a couple drinks, I’ll take your mom up on the offer of staying in Kevin’s room. That bed looks like a dream.”

The idea of Jack staying overnight at the lodge ignited a rush of anticipation. Which was silly. They wouldn’t even be under the same roof. But the idea of him lingering for more than just a few hours, the possibility of stealing some moments alone together was exciting. But that couldn’t happen. She was his date, technically, but still needed to behave like the manager of this event that she was.

Time to change the subject from beds or sleeping or anything resembling being in a bed and not sleeping. She cleared her throat. “My mom is very appreciative of everything you’ve done over the past couple of days. Don’t be surprised if you start getting more calls in the coming weeks. We’ve got a pretty packed house. For the time being, at least.”

“You mean until they sell?”

“Yup,” said Celeste. She’d managed to forget about it for most of the day and now unease was creeping up again. But it wasn’t the time to dwell on the future. “Anyway, I’m going to get changed.”

“Not sure why. You look great to me,” Jack said, that same irresistible grin playing on his lips.

Celeste felt a flutter in her chest but quickly pushed it aside. “Thank you,” she said. “But I’ve been wearing this all day. And everyone else is so dressed up. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She made toward her cabin again.