Kassie’s face looked like she had just suggested that they move the reception down to the bingo hall and serve hot dogs and drink boxes. “No. He’s, like, seventy. And his suit is a different color.” She looked at Melissa. “Pass me a cinnamon bun.”
The door to the room opened and Victoria entered. She paused for a moment and appeared to be steeling herself as though she were preparing for battle. “What are you still doing in bed? The hair-and-makeup team will be here any time for your ‘brunch look.’” She looked at Celeste and rolled her eyes. “Don’t you want to shower?”
“She’s upset about Kevin,” said Siena. “And it’s ‘morning glow,’ right, Kassie?”
“Well, we’re all upset about Kevin,” said Victoria. “But for goodness’ sake, it’s your wedding day. Get out of bed and enjoy this day your father and I have forked over a fortune for.”
Kassie glared at her mother. “Why is it always about you, Mom?”
Victoria’s stern gaze frosted over completely, and Celeste winced. She had to intervene. “I have an idea,” she said. “You may not like it, but…” The second the words left her mouth she regretted it. It was a ridiculous idea. And would likely be next to impossible to pull off. But Kassie was ridiculous too, so maybe it would fly.
“Well, what is it?” Kassie said.
“Do you remember the guide from yesterday? Who came to pick up the guys for the fishing expedition?”
“Who, the guy with the melt-in-your-mouth chocolate eyes? Um, yeah, he was pretty much unforgettable.”
“Well, your fiancé took a real liking to him. And…I think he’d fit into Kevin’s suit very nicely. What if—” She paused. “What if he came for the photos so that everything is as you want it for social media?” she said. “And then I can arrange for the photographer to return tomorrow morning to take some really nice family pictures with Kevin in them.”
What was she doing? There was no way Jack was going to agree to be part of a wedding-party photo shoot. He clearly hadn’t even wanted to touch a rehearsal dinner with a ten-foot pole. But Kassie had a glimmer of interest in her eyes, so she’d worry about that later.
“Oh, for goodness’ sake, you and your social media,” Victoria scoffed. She looked at Celeste, her lips as tight as her bun was wound. “Have you ever worked with a bride like this?”
Celeste maintained a neutral expression. In the world of weddings, especially with a family like the Harris family, she was Switzerland, although inside she was definitely Team Victoria. “All I want is for Kassie to have the wedding of her dreams.” She looked at Kassie, who swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.
“Get him,” Kassie said, as though having Jack come to their wedding to stand in for Kevin was as easy as booking one of his tours. She snatched her silk robe from the chair beside the bed. “He is a bona fide hunk. He’ll look perfect in photos, and I think I prefer him to Kevin anyway. I’m going to shower.” With that, she disappeared into the bathroom and slammed the door, leaving Celeste with Victoria and the bridesmaids, who were all giving each other the same look they’d probably given each other many times before this day.
“If you need anything else, please let me know,” Celeste said. She exited the room to the quiet of the hallway and stared down at her list.
9 a.m., she scrawled in the margin.Pray for a miracle.
She was a master of details, but this was a stretch. Now she had some magic to perform.
Jack groaned inrelief as he flopped back onto his couch. Bodie leapt up and occupied the spot beside him as he flicked on the television and found a basketball game. He took a sip of his coffee and scratched Bodie’s head with his free hand.
He’d gotten up and done a hard workout that morning at the gym and was happy to have a free day with nothing to do but flick between the news and sports and order takeout.
He thought about Celeste, back at the lodge, and how her workday was likely just beginning. The group had been a lot of fun, despite the small matter of the flasks, but he’d seen way worse, and they’d been mostly sober by the time he’d brought them back.
Celeste had been a big part in the success of the day. The river never disappointed, and any time they brought home a decent catch he felt like he’d done his job, but when they’d arrived back for lunch to see the feast that Celeste had put out and how she’d made it look so nice even though they’d been wet and muddy and not at all looking like a group prepared for fine dining, he’d been wowed. It was amazing how that moment had elevated the rest of the day, and Jack could tell the group had been impressed.
And then there was the kiss, electric and exhilarating. A moment that had been on replay since she’d slipped back into the lodge’s foyer and he’d sat in his truck for a minute, unable to suppress the grin that had spread across his face. The warmth of her embrace still enveloped him, and he knew the inevitable was happening: He was falling for her.
As if his daydream about her prompted Celeste to think of him, his phone started to buzz on the couch beside him with her name on the call display, and his heart skipped a beat, anticipation coursing through him like a current.
“Hey,” he said. “How’s it going over there?”
“We’re just about to serve brunch,” Celeste’s voice came through, her words laced with a hint of something unspoken, stirring something in him. “So, I won’t keep you long. But you were a real hit yesterday. The guys had a great time.”
“It was a lot of fun,” Jack said. “Is anyone in the doghouse?”
“Actually, I think the bride and her bridesmaids might have been more buzzed than the men, to tell you the truth,” she said. “So, I apologize for overreacting. Thanks again for all your help. You were amazing.”
He appreciated the compliment, but was there something a bit over-the-top about the effusiveness of her words? “No apology needed,” Jack said. “And happy to help. Let me know if you need anything else.” He’d be more than happy to help Celeste again. And the association with the Butterfly Lake Lodge could be a new source of revenue. They’d already sent an e-transfer with the agreed-upon fee and a nice tip, which he appreciated.
The line was quiet for a moment. “Funny you ask…” Celeste said. “But, uh, ever considered a side hustle in modeling?”