“I’m the one who tagged you on Instagram the other day,” Quinn said. “The post is getting so many likes.”
“Is that right?” Jack said. He liked the sound of that. Free publicity. “Well, you’re welcome to come by the class too, if you’d like.” Nothing wrong with getting a little more exposure on social media. Quinn appeared to be in her twenties and probably knew a whole hell of a lot more about it than he did.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Celeste shoot Quinn a look. “Really?” Quinn said. “I’d love to take some photos. As a follow-up post. Maybe with, like, a step-by-step of whatever you’re making?”
“Absolutely,” Jack said, flipping his keys in his hand. He noticed Celeste shift in her seat. “All right, well…”
“You’re welcome to join us,” said Quinn.
“Appreciate that. I’m just going to grab some takeout. Enjoy your meal, ladies,” he said. He looked at Celeste. “See you in class.”
“See you then,” she said.
It was still gray and rainy outside as Jack made his way back to his truck, but suddenly the day felt a lot lighter.
As soon asJack was out of earshot, the teasing began. “Someone has a crush,” said Elodie.
“Come on, can you blame her?” Quinn said. “That man isHollywoodhot.” She fanned herself with her hand and pretended to swoon.
“Shut up, both of you,” said Celeste. “What are you, middle schoolers?”
“If I were into men, I’d have to agree with Quinn,” said Elodie, grinning.
Celeste shot her a look. Normally Elodie could be counted on to act mature, but Quinn was a bad influence.
“We need to figure out what you’re wearing to class on Monday,” said Quinn.
“I can dress myself, thank you very much. And you’re not coming,” Celeste said.
“Of course I’m coming! This is valuable content for my socials.”
Celeste rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat. She loved her sisters, but they were pests.
“He’s so into you,” Quinn whispered excitedly. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes.”
“Shut up,” she said again.
Oscar, their usual waiter, a sixtysomething-year-old man with a tidy handlebar mustache, approached their table, notepad in hand. They’d been going to Ronnie’s since they were kids, and Oscar had been there just about as long. “Ready to order, ladies?”
“Two eggs, over easy, hash browns, bacon, whole-wheat toast, and a black coffee,” said Celeste, not bothering to look at the menu. “Maybe I should get decaf. I’ve already had two coffees this morning.”
“Oh, no. Don’t do that. Haven’t you heard decaf has methylene chloride in it? That’s a carcinogen,” said Elodie, a horrified look on her face.
“You’re such a hypochondriac,” Celeste said. Elodie was always on the lookout for things that could kill her. “Fine, I’ll have the caffeine.”
“I’ll have the mango benny, double espresso, and a waffle on the side,” said Quinn. “And a cup of ice water to pour over my sister’s head. She’s all steamed up.”
“Quinn,” Celeste hissed.
Oscar paused, then looked at Elodie. “And let me guess—huevos migas, sub chips for the tortilla,” he said. “And an Earl Grey tea.”
“We love you, Oscar,” said Elodie as Oscar left to put in their order. Hopefully it would be quick. After a late-night call to fix a running toilet, Celeste hadn’t been able to get back to sleep and was now starving. With the lodge fully booked and both their parents flitting around the property, they’d decided to get off-site so they could dissect the situation without Jeannie and Everett overhearing them.
“I hate the idea that they’ve been unhappy just because they worry about upsetting us.”
“I’d have been okay with them holding on a little longer,” Celeste said. She was trying to focus on the conversation, but all she could think about was the interaction with Jack. His perfectly fit blue jeans and his heavy work coat and his tousled hair poking out from the edges of his wool toque, which only added to his rugged charm. That glint in his eyes, like a sudden spark waiting to ignite, that switched on a part of her that had been ignored for far too long.