Page 44 of Heavy Is The Crown

Eddie nodded approvingly. “That’s my girl. I never had no doubts.”

Lauren smiled, squeezing Krys’ hand. “You really stepped up. He brags about you all the time, you know.”

Krys returned a smile. “Oh, I know. My dad has been ‘humble flexing’ me since I took over.”

Eddie smirked. “Damn right. And what about all them properties? The apartments? No major headaches?”

Krys sighed. “Nothing I can’t handle. Actually…I just hired a new maintenance guy.”

Eddie arched a brow. “Yeah? The one Bruce sent your way?”

Krys took a sip of her drink, watching him carefully. “Yep. Kenyatta.”

Eddie’s expression didn’t change, but there was something behind his eyes; a knowing look.

The rest of the family, however, perked up immediately.

Layla leaned forward. “Kenyatta? Ooooh, that name sound dangerous.”

Tyler grinned. “That’s your new man or something?”

Krys rolled her eyes. “He’s my employee.”

Lil Ed snickered. “That’s what they all say at first.”

Lauren grinned, but Eddie cleared his throat, cutting through the teasing. “He know what he’s doing?”

Krys nodded. “Yeah. He knows his way around fixing things. But…he’s fresh out.”

Eddie exhaled through his nose, nodding slightly. “Bruce’s boy, huh? Yatta…yeah, I remember him.”

Krys narrowed her eyes slightly. Her father’s tone was unreadable.

“You know him?” she asked.

Eddie nodded slowly. “Yeah, I know him. Grew up on the South Side. Used to be deep in the streets. Had his hands in a lot before he got locked up.” He glanced at her. “He keeping his head down?”

Krys tilted her head, debating on how much to say. “Seems like it. He just trying to stay out the way.”

Eddie studied her for a moment, then simply nodded. “Good. Hope it stays that way.”

Delayed reaction to the current conversation, Lauren raised a brow. “Wait, wait—who’s this maintenance guy?”

Krys waved it off. “Just some dude I hired.”

Lauren squinted at her. “Mmhmm. If I ain’t know any better, I’d say you got a thing for ‘some dude’.”

Krys rolled her eyes. “I do not.”

Lauren playfully cut her eyes. “You sure? You got that little look in your eye.”

Eddie chuckled. “Lord, here we go.”

“I don’t have a look,” Krys said, standing up. “I just came to eat and make sure y’all was still alive.”

Eddie smirked as he finally took a seat at the table. “And to deliver a message from Pam, I assume?”

Krys grinned. Here we go.