Page 11 of The Blood Shadows

“Who hired Sinclair?” Nox asked.

“Uncle Ron.” That information did surprise him. The man was a lowlife, but Nox had not considered him to be intelligent enough to put together such a plan. “Stay with your beloved I have men out looking for Ron. He’s on the run. Don’t go after him Nox stay with Ian.” The Master paused and then added. “I will keep you posted and let you know when all parties have been dealt with.”

“Thank you.” Nox closed the call and rolled to wrap his arms around Ian and pressed his face into the crook of his neck.

"What's wrong? I can feel your frustration and anger." Ian spoke softly and ran his hands up and down Nox's back, soothing and comforting him in a way only a beloved can do. He chose not to share with Ian the fact that his uncle had paid to have him killed. He wasn't particularly fond of his uncle, but to find out someone wants you dead can be very devastating, and he didn't want his beloved to be devastated.

Sitting around and waiting for someone else to take care of the problem was also something he could not possibly do. He understood the Master's concern for Ian, but he was perfectly safe at the coven, and no human with murderous intent was going to gain entrance to the coven house. He could find Ron faster because he could move faster. The sooner Ron was dealt with, the sooner Ian would be safe.

“Did they find out who shot at us?” Ian prompted.

“Yes, they did, but they're not anyone you know." He wasn't lying since Ian did not know the shooters.

“Why did they do it?”

“I don’t know but we will figure it out.” Nox lay there for a few minutes holding Ian and contemplating his next moves. “I’mgoing to leave you for a few hours I want to join the search for who is behind these attacks. It is important that you remain here under the protection of the coven while I am gone.”

"I hate to let you go. Being with you like this feels so damn right." Nox felt the same, but it was imperative that Ron and whoever else was behind these attempts were stopped permanently. If he had to wipe out the entire city to ensure the safety of his beloved, he would do it.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. I need to make sure the threat against you is gone. I need to be assured of your well-being and your safety." Nox sat up, and Ian followed.

“I understand hurry back I’ll be waiting. Maybe we could have lunch together when you return.” Ian was trying to be tolerant and supportive but there still was a shade of disappointment coloring his words. Nox got out of bed and quickly dressed. Ian scooted to the edge near to where he stood and watched him with eyes that contained worry. “Be careful.” He said and reached out to Nox.

Nox grabbed him and pulled him up into his arms. His naked beloved was the finest thing on this earth, and for a split second, he considered staying and returning to bed. But he had to finish this before something happened to Ian. Ron and anyone else involved in this needed to die.

Nox was a tracker, and he was more likely to find this man quickly. He could also plumb the information from his mind and discover who else was involved. Nox kissed Ian hard and exacting putting everything he felt for the young man into that kiss and that embrace and then he sat him back onto his feet.

"I'll be back. Stay here, and do not leave the building." Ian nodded, and after another quick kiss, Nox left, turning into the air current and disappearing.

Ian stood and considered his situation for several minutes. Being in Nox's personal space felt odd and yet comforting. He hadn't much time to consider the space last night when they appeared here, and then things started to happen. He smiled at the memory and felt the exhilaration of the night rush through him.

The bedroom was stark but what he would have expected of a man like Nox. It was a nice solid brass bed that looked antique but was in perfect condition. The bedding was simple and basic but quality, as was the rug and the other linens. He rethought the word stark and figured it was more minimalistic because it felt warm and welcoming even in its plainness.

Walking around, he could feel the man; Nox's impression was everywhere, and it was the source of his comfort. Nox Samara was not the sort of man Ian had ever thought would enter his life. When he told him that he worked for Conall Rose and that he was working nights, it was pretty clear to Ian that his position was a clandestine one. He wasn't taking meetings and solving interoffice issues. He was solving problems in the dark of the night on behalf of Conall Rose.

Mr. Conall Rose had a reputation, and even Ian, as small and insignificant as he was in this town, was aware of it. He never did anything illegal and got caught, but there was a belief that he and his people functioned on the edge of the law and sometimes went over that edge.

He always kept his hands clean, but circumstances would sometimes speak for themselves. Now, with his new perspective,he could see why Master Rose lived the way he did in order to make a safe and profitable life for his people. He was a harsh man, but like Nox, he never hurt anyone unnecessarily.

This world he fell into was a wild one and it opened a lot of doors in regard to understanding the inner workings of this city. Ian was born and raised in this city and yet he had never known just how many paranormal beings existed around him.

Vampires, shifters, and the like are all living and thriving. Magic was the big kicker for him, and now he understood why some people just had the best of luck. He shook his head and went in the direction of the attached bath. He needed to shower and get dressed.

Ian wasn’t used to the understated luxury of a large, well thought out bathroom. He stayed in there longer than necessary enjoying the heat and the steam and the soft towels. At home he was lucky to find an old t-shirt to dry off with considering Ron like to use the towels for shop rags no matter how new or expensive they were. Ron. . . he was so ready to leave that man in his past.

Stepping into the kitchen looking for a cold drink he’d just swung open the refrigerator when his cell rang. Assuming it was Nox he answered immediately. “How’s it going?” He asked hoping to hear that he was on his way home. But what he heard made his blood run cold.

"Hello honey it's your mother." The voice was familiar with its fake sugary sweetness, and it struck him hard. He hadn't heard from her in over four years, not a word. What did she want? She always wanted something.

“I know I’ve not kept in touch, but I called Ron every week for an update on you. I left because I had to in order to be a better mother for you.” It was just a bunch of banalities strungtogether in an order she thought might make her look less of a self-centered bitch and more of a victim. She loved being the victim.

He was just about to get Ron out of his life, so he wasn't going to welcome Trinda back in. Ian was about to close the call without responding when she started talking fast, and her words were pleading.

"I'm in town. I wanted to see you, but Ron refused to let me come to his apartment. He's being difficult and abusive. Please, Ian, I just want to see you and talk to you." She paused.

"Why, why would you want to see me?" Ian wasn't falling for it at first, but the longer he listened, the more he admitted that he would like to see her and why she left. She was always self-centered and not a good mom, but she was never abusive or cruel. She was just thoughtless and dismissive. He was making excuses for her, and he knew it, but still, what would it hurt?

“I want to try and explain what I was feeling and why I left but I need to look at you when I do. Please honey come see me.” The pleading was forceful and Ian felt himself breaking and wanting to hear the explanation to understand why she disappeared.