“There’s an investigation?” Ian was such a lovely young man everything was exciting, and Nox was finding the excitement contagious.
“The Rose corporation is conducting an investigation.” Nox clarified but didn’t go into too much detail.
"I think it was just someone who saw me as an easy mark to rob and kill, and if you hadn't come along, they would have been successful." Ian's tone became somewhat solemn as he completed that sentence. Nox reached over and placed his handon top of Ian's and let his own calm and stillness be channeled to his beloved. Ian looked over at him and smiled.
“I believe our meeting was meant to be. You and I are meant to be.” Nox offered and waited for a response.
“You think it was destiny?” Ian said with that same sweet smile.
“You believe in destiny?”
“I believe the universe made sure I was there to save you. I believe in the powers of Fate, and I believe that you and I were brought together.” Nox made himself clear without sounding too peculiar, he hoped.
"I believe there is more than what meets the eye in most situations and with most people. This city can be strange and otherworldly sometimes, and explanations are difficult." Ian paused, and Nox thought he might give some examples, but he said the words that could melt even the heart of a demon. “Destiny sounds like something I’d like very much as long as it included you.”
"Always," Nox stated with a smile that was only for Ian. It was both understanding and conspiring. He wanted this young human and being with him these last couple of days had solidified his desire and forged a bond that would only grow stronger the longer they remained together.
It was the natural way of the vampire, and it was to be his future. Their hands remained connected throughout the drive, giving Nox the impression that Ian was not unaffected by the force of Fate and that destiny was theirs. He pulled up to the restaurant and handed the keys and a tip to the valet before taking Ian's hand and leading him inside.
The Belvedere was a fine respectable restaurant often frequented by Master Rose and many from the Rose Coven. The owner and staff were vampire as were many of the customers so Nox felt confident that he wouldn’t upset too many by his presence. The staff would make sure they were not seated near humans.
Ian walked strong and confidently beside him. Nox had always walked alone he avoided relationships of any depth apart from the faith and loyalty he held for Master Rose and the Rose Coven. Now here he was with someone so perfectly handsome standing at his side.
Once seated, he ordered drinks, which consisted of sparkling water since Ian was just nineteen. He couldn't take his eyes off his beloved, still shocked and working out the rush of feelings and attitudes coursing through him.
Until yesterday his life had been flat in many ways nothing upset him no matter how gruesome nothing mattered apart from serving his Master and his coven. His days were organized and repetitive and he was satisfied with that. Then he met this man a human with an aura that compelled and mystified and filled Nox with thoughts and needs never before contemplated.
"What time must I have you home?" Nox asked, wondering about his work schedule for the night.
"I'm off tonight and tomorrow, so my evening is wide open." Ian gave him that smile again, the one that was teasing and excited. It touched Nox's heart every time, and that was not an easy feat. Nox's heart was buried deep and had hardened solidly over the years.
His demon half balked at the emotions coming to life within him, but his vampire half seemed to revel. His demon hadheld the reins of his life for years, and it was now time for his vampire to be satisfied. Even as the demon within him pushed for more distance and reserve, Nox could feel the softening and the subtle acceptance of this new addition to his life. He wasn't a changed man by any stretch of the imagination. He was still the demon soldier of the Rose Coven. His softer side was in response to Ian and no one else. Ian held Nox's heart and his attention now and forever. His warmth, his need, his adoration and love all surrounded this one lone human, Ian Mathews.
Dinner came and conversation flowed easy and naturally which was also odd for him. Talk was unnecessary in the bulk of his life because he found that it just slowed things down, but he didn’t feel that way with Ian. With Ian talk was soothing and tender and Nox was eager for every word from his mouth and every expression on that beautiful face. He could listen to him for hours.
“Why do you live with your uncle?” Nox asked after they’d spent the meal discussing casual matters such as likes and dislikes. He wanted more information to build a deeper understanding of his beloved.
“My uncle took me in after my mother left when I was fifteen. He isn’t an easy person to live with but at least I wasn’t on the streets. The state paid him a stipend and a social worker came quarterly to check up on me until I turned eighteen.” Ian stopped and took a breath, not completely comfortable with the question obviously.
"I've been working since I was ten years old, first helping my mother out and then earning my keep, as Ron so aptly put it. It wasn't until the custodial job that I started making enough to meet Ron's needs and also be able to put money away. I’ve been saving and plan to move out within the next couple of months.”Ian stared at him, and the look seemed suspicious. "Why do you ask?"
“You’re smart and self reliant and not someone I would describe as naïve or exploitable. Ron Mathews is a small time crook with a bad reputation and an attitude to match. I was just wondering what kept you there.” Nox told him and then added with a poignant stare. “If you need help leaving, I can help you.” The tension he was feeling immediately dissipated and that smile returned.
“I’ve been looking at apartments, so it won’t be long before I have my own place. But thank you for the offer.”
"I work for a man with a lot of contacts. Please let me help you." Nox pressed while reaching his hand across the table to take Ian's. He was silent for a few seconds clearly thinking it over and then he nodded.
“Okay, if you have any leads on cheap apartments in good neighborhoods I would appreciate the heads up.” Nox laughed it was just a whisper of sound, but it was the first laugh Nox had uttered in decades.
“I’ll get right on it, Ian.”
“Thanks.” They finished dessert and Nox felt that the date had gone quite well, and Ian had shared personal and emotional information with him. Their bond was forming but until Nox was able to get a little closer it would be a very slow process. Physical contact would feed the bond and broaden Ian’s awareness of the supernatural.
Master Rose had suggested the glamour to open Ian’s mind as their connection grew. It helped the human partner to ease into the unknown more easily and with less panic. The glamour was safe and did not interfere with a person’s own free will. But the glamour needed touch and intimacy, and theirrelationship seemed to be a slow starter. He had to ask for more and see if Ian would oblige.
"I'd like for you to come home with me, Ian. I live at the Rose Corporation main building on one of the upper floors. Many who work for Conall Rose live at that location." Nox waited for a response. He still held Ian's hand and tightened his grip as he waited.