Nox was pleased that Ian took care to stay alert and aware during his walk to the train. Regardless, he was there to take care of any problems that might have arisen. He wasn't sure how he would explain his presence, but it didn't matter because all that mattered was Ian's safety.
Once he was on the train, Nox dropped back and returned to the alley where the attack had occurred the previous morning. He pulled out his phone and called Ian.
“Hello.” He said and with just that one word Nox could feel the connection that was growing between them.
“I wanted to make sure you got to the train safely.” Nox told him and Ian sounded pleased and his happiness fed something in Nox.
“I’m on the train and almost home. Thanks for calling.” Ian said. “Did you have a good night?”
"It was okay. I'm looking forward to seeing you today." Nox walked the alley, getting a feel for the man who attacked his beloved and looking for any evidence of who he was.
"I miss you. I know we just met, but I like you, Nox, and I'm so glad you called." Ian was not being demure. He wassharing his feelings freely, and Nox wasn't completely sure how to handle it but leaned on instinct.
“I miss you too Ian that’s why I called. I wanted to hear your voice and make sure you were safe.” Nox responded and then added. “I like you too, very much.” They fell silent for a few seconds and then Ian announced he was getting off the train. “I’ll see you tonight at seven. Pay attention to your surroundings and put your phone away.” He instructed and Ian laughed.
“I will, and see you at seven." Nox waited for Ian to hang up before closing the call. He felt lighter and more content, having spoken with Ian. The young man's presence was all Nox needed to energize and focus, and he looked forward to getting a taste and experiencing the power of a beloved. They had a way to go, yet before their connection, they would be at a point that would allow him that kind of familiarity, but he hoped he didn't have to wait too long.
Ian was shocked at how much that call had affected him. Hearing from Nox made the entire relationship seem real. It wasn't just a daydream or wishful thinking. Men who weren't serious did not call to confirm a dinner date. The few blocks from the train station to his apartment building flew by as he rushed to get home.
Ron would be asleep as usual, thank God, and rather than falling into bed as he usually did this morning Ian wanted to go through his closet and see what he had and what would look good to wear tonight. His clothing options were narrow, but he had a few good pieces. The excitement was bubbling and the exhilaration pushing him to run faster.
When he entered the apartment he found it unnaturally quiet. Ron snored like a buzz saw but there was nothing but silence and stillness. Walking carefully and quietly he took a cursory glance around but did not want to check Ron’s room. If he was there fine if he wasn’t fine, it wasn’t Ian’s concern, so he grabbed a drink from the kitchen and disappeared into his room locking the door securely behind him.
Ian had found the outfit for tonight after an hour or so of searching. His closet was more limited than he thought so it was a pair of good jeans and a nice white button down. It was basic but he felt confident that it would work for most restaurants. Nox didn’t strike him as the sort of guy who went to places that were too high end or exclusive.
He seemed as though he liked his privacy, and places like that tended to be in the public eye and all over social media. Ian was talking himself into feeling okay about his outfit since he had no clue where they were going for dinner. It was close to noon, so he needed to lay down for a while, or he'd be tired tonight, and he did not want to be tired. He wanted to enjoy every minute with Nox Samara.
"Be quiet. Don't wake up that fucking kid." The voice was Ron's, and apparently, he had someone with him. He had no friends that Ian was aware of and definitely no girlfriend. Being both grossly unattractive and miserable in general, Ron tended to drive everyone away.
He might have gotten lucky, and they might be a hook up from the bar he frequented. Ian did not want to think about how desperate a woman would have to be to want to hook up with that mess. Ian listened but he couldn’t hear the other person, although he did hear the two of them moving across the living room and toward his door. “Shh.” It was Ron again.
Ian watched his door and noticed his doorknob turned, but his lock was engaged, and the chair was in place. Ron wouldn't get in, yet it didn't stop him from trying several more times.
"He's in there, damn it." Ron cussed, and Ian heard him walk away. Why wouldn't he be in there? It was just past noon. Ian was always in his room at this time because he worked thenight shift. Ron's reaction when he couldn't get into his room was bizarre.
Maybe he was still drunk from last night Ian rolled over and tried to sleep he wasn't going to give it more thought than it was worth. Ron and his guest could find their entertainment elsewhere.
As he slowly fell asleep his mind quickly turned back to the dangerously handsome man of his heart, Nox Samara. He lived in Ian’s fantasies now as the star in every daydream. Nox with the raven hair and the square jaw the man who moved like the wind and smelled like heaven. Nox transfixed him and made him think maybe he had a chance. It was a fantasy, and it was enchanting, and Ian was going to hold onto it as long as Nox remained interested.
At just before seven Ian showered shaved and dressed in the best he could put together headed out front to wait for Nox. Ron was in his room where he’d stayed all day after trying to get into Ian’s room. He wasn’t sure if his guest was still with him and honestly he didn’t care. The fact that he stayed out of Ian’s way on this very important evening was all Ian was hoping for.
He stepped out onto the sidewalk, and within minutes, a long black SUV pulled up to the curb, and Nox got out. It was a beautiful vehicle, and Nox was as handsome as ever. Ian felt his heart do a little flip when Nox took his hand and bent to place a soft kiss on his cheek. This was fairytale material and something Ian could not have ever imagined would be happening to him. He melted as he was led to the passenger side, and Nox assisted him in getting in and getting comfortable before closing the door and returning to the driver’s seat.
Nox smelled so good, and that kiss was still tingling. Ian realized that he was being a big idiot about all of this, but hedidn’t care this was his chance to feel something real and special and deep and he was going to grab it with both hands and hold on.
Nox had spent the day searching through the alley and following up on a name that was attached to the attacker. Nox traveled back to the underworld and sifted through the guy’s mind to see if there was anything there to explain the attack.
There wasn't much there except a name, Ward Sinclair. Nox didn't know if it was his name or the name of an associate, but he would figure it out. He really regretted not draining the man's memory before killing him. "Are you familiar with the name Ward Sinclair?" Nox decided to ask Ian while they made their way downtown to a nice restaurant by the lake.
“Never heard of him is he someone important?” Ian sat there looking sweet and gorgeous and Nox just wanted to eat him up.
“I think he had something to do with your attacker.”
“His name was Ward Sinclair?”
"I'm not sure if it is the attacker's name, but Ward Sinclair came up during the investigation."