I could add that I’ve never had one. I could say that, before he came along, I was fine with living an unromantic life.
He smooths his hand through his blonde almost silver-looking hair, looking like he’s on the edge of grabbing me and hauling me over the counter. There’s a tense energy in the air.
Then Clover yaps from the back.
“You have a dog?” he asks.
I nod. “She’s upstairs, usually…in the apartment. But she’s been under the weather.”
“Can I see her?”
“Sure,” I say, surprised and delighted.
When I gesture for him to walk around the counter, it feels like crossing a line. This feeling heats up when he follows me toward the back room, standing close the whole time, so close that if I stopped, he’d walk right into me. Maybe I’d be able to feel the hunger aching through his body.
Opening the door, I say, “She’s not always friendly with stra?—”
But I shouldn’t have said anything. Clover pads happily over to Killian. He leans down, smiling warmly at my little dog, tenderly stroking her over her little head. My heart swells as I watch him. Handsome, charming,andcaring…
When Clover has decided she’s had enough, she prances off like a little princess.
Killian stands, looking down at me. “I should go,” he says.
I take a step forward, staring up at him, my lips tingling like he’s going to lean down and kiss me, like six months is going to erupt in this one sizzling moment.
“Oh,” I murmur.
He leans down, his breath touching mine… and then turns away. “I’ll, uh, see you soon.”
He walks quickly from the bakery like he can’t leave fast enough. I watch him go with an ache in my belly, thinking of all the things that could’ve been. But there’s also a thrill of victory coursing through me.
I can’t doubt it anymore. He wants me as badly as I want him, unless I massively misread that look in his eyes.
That night, I’m dreaming of a storm raging across the lush green Irish landscape. Only this time, I’m grown up and wearing the dress Killian liked so much. I’ve got my arms wrapped around him, and he’s buried his hands in my hips, holding me possessively as he pulls me in for a kiss…
I wake to a screeching noise, my apartment buzzer cutting through the perfection. Clover barks loudly as I peel my eyes open and look at the clock. Who’s ringing the buzzer at three AM? I let myself imagine it’s Killian. He’s been trying to fight his desire all day – all year – but he can’t take it anymore.
I go to the intercom, rubbing sleep from my eyes. “Hello?”
“It’s me,” Shane says, his voice gruff. “Open up.”
“Shane?” I murmur, hoping I’m wrong. If a mob goon, a thief, is showing up at my door at this time, it can’t be good.
“Don’t make me ask again,” he growls. “I’ll smash your goddamn windows and light this place on fire… and that’s before I give you some special treatment, too.Don’t push me, bitch.”
Shane has never been polite, obviously, but this is the most threatening he’s ever been. I think of another world, one in which I can tell him to go to hell, where I can bravely stand up to him. It crosses my mind to call the cops. But he’s said he has cop contacts, and he’ll know if I do that. What if he’s telling the truth?
I put on sweatpants and a hoodie and head downstairs. Shane stands at the door, his hand wrapped around a woman’s arm. She wears a revealing skirt, and a top that barely hides her bra. She looks terrified as she stares at the ground.
“We’re going to be staying with you a while,” he grunts, pushing his way into the apartment’s entrance.
“What?” I hiss. “No – you can’t. Who is she? Is she your prisoner?”
With one hand still on the woman, he reaches into his jacket and takes out a pistol. Fear paralyzes me. Everything freezes. I struggle to accept what’s happening as I stare down the barrel of the gun.
“That’s the last time you tell me what I can and can’t do,” he growls. “I visited this apartment when your mommy was alive. I know you’ve got two bedrooms. We’re staying.”
He prods me with the gun, the barrel cold against my forehead.