When she smiles at me... okay, no, it's not like having a mom again. No one can ever replace the woman I lost—the woman who raised me alone after our escape from Dad, the woman who died too soon. But it's close. It's similar. It's beautiful.
"Let's do it," Killian replies. "Lucy needs to rest up for later."
I tilt my head at him. He's got a secretive smirk on his lips, his eyes echoing the same. His hair looks almost silver with the rain glistening through it. He wraps his arm around me.
"Am I missing something?" I ask.
He leans down, kissing me gently on the forehead. As usual, I feel the hunger emanating through him as he struggles to hold himself back, remain civilized, but he's always respectful in front of his mom and sister. "You don't want to ruin the surprise..."
I look at Nora and then Ellie. "Why do I feel like everybody's in on this secret, huh?"
They laugh. Ellie mimes sealing her lips shut. "No comment."
The four of us leave the village and walk across the lush green landscape toward their property, the mountains a constant idyllic backdrop. At the house, when we’re alone in the bedroom, Killian tells me, “Wear walking boots… and something comfortable to hike in.”
“We’re going on a hike?”
He looks out the window. “Something like that.”
I press my body close to his, resting my cheek against his chest. “Your heart is pounding likecrazy. What’s going on? Why are you being so mysterious?”
He takes my hands, kissing me in that heated way that sets every inch of my body ablaze. Our frantic kissing takes us to the bed. I fall back, pulling him on top of me, opening my legs and wrapping them around him. He groans and presses his groin against me, his manhood hardening quickly like it always does for me, his lips all over my neck as he moans.
“We’ve got about an hour,” he says between kisses.
“Until what?”
“The helicopter arrives.”
“You heard me,a stór.”
I’m breathless as the helicopter flies over rolling Irish hills, the scenery so majestic I feel like I’m inside a painting. I stare down at the mountains and the greenery and the sheer beauty of it all, a borderline religious feeling coming over me as I struggle to take it all in. When I look up, I laugh. Killian is staring at me.
“You’re missing it all,” I say through the headset.
“I prefer to watch you. I want to remember the look on your face, the enthusiasm, the joy. It makes it all worth it.”
“I love you so freaking much.”
“I love you, angel.”
“But don’t be offended if I want to look at the scenery, okay?”
He grins. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I look down at the hills, something tugging at the back of my mind, a thought I can’t quite place. When the helicopter descends, the setting sun angles into the interior, flooding it with light. The helicopter lands in a field seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Once the blades have stopped, Killian unstraps himself and opens the door, climbing down.
I take off my straps, giggling when he grabs me and lowers me to the lush green earth. “You make me feel so small,” I tell him. “So weightless.”
“Call me cheesy, but you make me feel like I could float away, too.”
I look around the open field. There’s a hill nearby and a mountain close behind that. That déjà vu feeling hits me again.
“What now?” I ask.
“Now, we walk. Or I could carry you if you prefer…”