Olive plastered on a wide smile. “That’s great news.”
Rebecca didn’t look great this morning. She was paler than usual with all kinds of machines and wires still hooked up to her.
Olive had glanced around the room when she first entered, looking for any clues about Rebecca’s condition. Any labels on the medication hanging on the IV bag or notes scribbled on the board.
She’d known it was unlikely she’d see anything to give her a glimpse into Rebecca’s medical history, and she hadn’t.
She did, however, see a ring camera light and some sound equipment.
That was when it hit her. The man who’d gone to their house yesterday? He hadn’t gone there to get Rebecca’s medications. He’d gone to retrieve her equipment so Rebecca could record more TikTok videos.
Olive made a mental note to check the social platform later to watch Rebecca’s updates.
Matt sat beside Rebecca’s bed still, dark circles beneath his eyes.
Olive swallowed hard at the sight of him. He looked rough.
Then she remembered his motorcycle.
She was desperate to make some of these pieces fit.
She plastered on a compassionate—and authentic—smile. “It looks like you stayed here all night.”
He ran a hand over his face. “I did. I didn’t want to leave Rebecca—just in case she needed me.”
“I guess Willow is still at her friend’s house?” Nova asked.
“That’s right.” Rebecca readjusted the canula at her nose. “I’m so grateful for all the good friends we have. I don’t know what we’d do without them.”
“I can imagine.” Olive offered a nod.
Rebecca paused and squinted at Olive.
A rush of nerves shot through Olive. What was she thinking?
She waited.
“No offense, but you look worse off than I do today,” Rebecca finally said. “Are you okay?”
Olive resisted the urge to touch her neck or face. “Do I? Just tired.”
Rebecca was far more observant than Olive had given her credit for. She would need to be careful.
“You shouldn’t work too hard,” Rebecca said.
There she went, sounding like she cared about other people in the midst of her own suffering. Olive had to give her kudos for that.
Nova cleared her throat. “Not to change the subject, but I was wondering if I could get some footage of you here in the hospital. I think it would really help drive home the seriousness of this situation.”
“Yes, of course.” Rebecca nodded. “That’s fine.”
Olive sucked in a breath before approaching the next subject. “Listen, while she does that, I was wondering if I could have a word with you, Matt? Maybe out in the hallway.”
“Is everything okay?” Rebecca’s eyes widened with alarm.
“It’s fine. I just wanted to clarify a couple of details from our interview, and I thought it would be easier somewhere quieter.”
“Of course.” Rebecca nodded, seeming reassured.