Page 87 of Deception

She’d promised to keep working on him.

Hopefully, today would provide more answers.

With one last glance in the mirror, Olive grabbed her bag, ready to leave for the day. She’d worn a lightweight turtleneck that covered the cut across her neck. She’d also carefully applied makeup to cover the bruises on her face. Her busted lip was harder to conceal, but she could tell people it was a fever blister if they asked.

However, her body ached, and she’d had nightmares last night about her attack.

She’d need to push through those things and stay focused.

Olive had already texted Jason, and he’d agreed to tag along today. Just like last night, Olive had mixed feelings about him being here. But she knew he wouldn’t be any trouble. In fact, he’d probably be a big help.

A few minutes later, she, Nova, and Jason met downstairs. They grabbed breakfast from the lobby area before heading outside.

Olive paused when she saw her Jeep in the lot. “What . . . ? How . . . ?”

“Nova and I went back to the house last night while you were resting,” Jason explained. “We grabbed your Jeep and your gun. Plus, we checked out the house for any evidence. We didn’t find anything.”

Olive felt speechless a moment. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. Thank you.”

“Of course.” Jason said the words as if what they’d done hadn’t been a big deal. Then he handed her a bag. “Gun is in there.”

“I appreciate it.”

“I don’t mind driving today,” Jason offered before studying their faces. “If you’re okay with it. I have no problem with women driving, just for the record.”

“I hate driving, so that’s fine with me,” Nova said. “We need to head to the hospital first, right?”

“It only makes sense to check on Rebecca,” Olive said. “But we also have that interview lined up with Georgina.”

They reached the hospital and stepped inside. Jason agreed to stay in the waiting room. It would be too strange to explain his presence to Rebecca and Matt. Besides, he said he had a few phone calls to make.

With that settled, Olive and Nova headed toward the front desk. Unfortunately, Mitzi worked the ER, so she wasn’t at this desk. They could find her later if needed.

“You didn’t tell me he was so cute,” Nova whispered as they walked.


Nova shot her a look. “You know good and well who I’m talking about. Jason. If he ever decides to do cosplay, he should totally be Batman.”

“Totally.” Why did Nova always think of people in terms of cosplay? Olive supposed the trait only made her colleague more interesting.

“Did he really surprise you by coming?” Nova asked.

“He did.”

“That’s sweet.”

Olive supposed that was one way to look at it. His presence was both sweet and a complication.

“When I make you that lumpia and pancit, you should give him some,” Nova said. “My mom claims it’s the way into any man’s heart.”

“Who said I want his heart?” Olive cast her an outraged look.

“You clearly do. I can feel the chemistry between you two.”

Olive opened her mouth to argue. Instead, she said, “You just hand over the lumpia and pancit. I’ll decide what to do with it.”

The nurse at the front desk confirmed Rebecca’s room number hadn’t changed, and they started that way. But as Olive and Nova passed two women in the hallway, their conversation caught Olive’s ear.