Page 86 of Deception

“Heather is going to be a wonderful mother. We had fun, didn’t we girls?” She looked back at Olive’s sisters.

Jessie and Jules continued to cling to Olive’s legs.

“So what did you two do together?” Mom looked at Olive, then Dad, an innocent expression on her face.

Dad put his hand on Olive’s shoulder, but it felt heavier than usual.

“We got ice cream,” he said. “Did some window shopping. Took a nice little walk. It was fun, wasn’t it, Olive?”

Dad stared at her, waiting for her to agree.

How would he react if she didn’t?

Olive licked her lips, considering spilling the truth.

Then she thought better of it and nodded. She wouldn’t start trouble—not this time. But if he ever asked her to do that again, she wouldn’t stay quiet.

As soon as she nodded, her dad winked at her, letting Olive know she had his seal of approval.

It was bad enough she’d lied to those strangers today. But now she was lying to her mom.

Guilt flooded her. But what was she supposed to do?

Another snippet from today filled her memories.

As she and her dad had driven home, her dad had started reciting a list of what sounded like rules.

Always stay close to the truth. It’s easier to remember the facts that way.

Believe the story you tell others. It will make them believe it also.

Whenever possible, let people talk about themselves. Ask them questions. Take the attention off yourself.

Why had he told her all those things?

Olive wasn’t sure.

It was almost like he wanted her to trick people more.

Shehatedthat idea.

A frown tugged at her lips.

All she wanted right now was for this day to be over.



Olive was even more sore this morning than she’d been yesterday. Not only was her body tender from the fight and her other injuries, but she hadn’t got much rest, despite her best efforts.

Right after she’d drifted to sleep, Mitzi had called.

Her date with the doctor had gone well, but she hadn’t discovered anything new. She said the doctor talked a lot about himself—his upbringing, his schooling, his social connections. He’d even talked about his family some—about how his dad had been a rancher. How his granddad had been an end-times prepper, complete with a fallout shelter. How his mom was Miss America 1994.

When Rebecca was mentioned, he’d clammed up.

But Mitzi felt confident he knew something more, something he either couldn’t—or wouldn’t—share.